
Friday, October 31, 2008

25 Beautiful Homes

Many of you may remember this. Well one year on it is now in print. See the current edition (December) of 25 Beautiful Homes. It brings back lovely memories for me and makes me excited about decorating the house once again. I LOVE Christmas.

All I can say is that as it is half term the house looks NOTHING like it does in the photos. Due to the cold and often wet weather the children have been indoors a lot and have made a complete mess in each and every room. Not that they call it mess of course, they are camps, space ships, boats and castles made with all the cushions, blankets, cardboard boxes and toys they can find! Hey ho, Happy Half Term!

(Click on photos to enlarge)


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM GMT

    what a lovely home you have!!

  2. We must have been typing at the same time together because I just saw that you'd added. House looks lovely, as only it could - just because it's yours.

  3. as you know I had already seen this - its so lovely and christmassy im feeling all festive now!
    can i ask if its oilcloth you kitchen chair seats are covered in? you must be glad you stayed put now surely !
    Lesley x

  4. This is lovely - I must take a copy of the magazine with me to the states to give to Saff.

  5. Ooh, must dash out and get the magazine! Your house is so lovely - the kitchen is just a dream! Going to have a browse through the rest of your blog!
    Best wishes, Willow x

  6. Oh Donna! I shall buy a copy on Monday,it all looks lovely,you have an absolute dream home!

  7. Hi Donna, I received your newsletter and have just purchased a copy of 25BH your house looks gorgeous! Kathy

  8. The article looks fab - a wonderful showcase for your beautiful home and I'm so delighted that you included my cakes - thanks so very much! I hope you've received the pattern, please let me know if it's still not come through on your email. Thanks again xxx

  9. Hi Donna,
    Just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I've been following it for some time now - it was because of you guys that we booked a holiday to Fuerte and went to see the ship wreck! It was amazing!
    Your blog, your fabric and your home are a source of real inspiration and beauty.
    Best Wishes,

  10. Went shopping - yuck! There must be a great quantity of people out there who have read your blog because I've not been able to find the magazine yet. I am not deterred however and will keep searching.

  11. Donna, you have such a pretty kitchen! I am going to hunt out that magazine here in Australia cause your kitchen is my new favourite! (I am ever hopeful of having a kitchen reno soon!)

  12. Looks utterly gorgeous Dons, I will have to see if I can get to some shops and get my own copy.

  13. Hello!
    Niki just told me via a comment that your the lady that owns the house i have been drooling over!LOL.....nice to meet truely have a wonderful home.....i'm not at all surprised that they would pick you to appear in 25 beautiful homes as your home really is just that.....beautiful!

    I'll be popping back later1xx

  14. Think we have all enjoyed your home via 25 BH and your blog.....looks amazing!

    P.S.....where did you get the lovely jug and bowl....its oh so lovely!xx

    P.S.S....your right, an hour is not to awful, he will be ok....*smile*
    Need to have my own little one!LOL!

  15. Donna you're home is divine! There will be blog envy all over the world!!!! You have made it beautiful, so homely and welcoming, infact, when can we all move in?!!
    Jane. xx

  16. Hi Donna, I have found you via various bloggs and like everyone else wanted to say well done on presenting your home so lovely, it lookds like a true family home and not just a house....I too live in Devon, Newton Abbot even though my home is not as grand as yours.....Will be following your blog for more lovely pics.....

    Take Care


  17. Ha-ha! Found a copy lurking in the Co-op - and now it's mine ...

  18. How gorgeous your home looks. If I can achieve a little bit of this, I'll be ecstatic. I love all the little details in your home.

  19. Oh Hub and I are sitting here looking at your beautiful home...the kitchen is to die for, what a great family room it makes.
    We love North Devon...know the area very well, email me if you can with location.
    We are currently looking for a new home, but have to stay close to London for hubs work.
    I must get House Beautiful tomorrow.
    I have really enjoyed seeing your home.
    Carol xx
    PS more please!

  20. ohh my, your home is a dream what a fabulous place to come haome to.
    I love your dresser in the kitchen I would love to paint our dark one but Mr. has put his foor down as it was his mothers dahhhh. and the bath I could go on and on.
    The mag. is a must have.

  21. Congratulations on the magazine article. It all looks great. Your kitchen is just beautiful as is your lovely bath.

  22. Congrats on the magazine!

  23. Hi Donna, I waited soooo 'impatiently' for the copy to come out ever since your post about it....a reeaaallly long wait but definatly worth it, you have the perfect kitchen in every way, the size, the look, the cosiness!!! I just love everything about your house. Congratualtions, how does it feel to be a celeb in blog x

  24. Great piccies! See you tomorrow..
    Shall we try & have a cuppa in the quirky cafe!
    lizzie xxxx

  25. You have a beautiful home Donna, how amazing to see it in the magazine.
    The kitchen is my favourite, loving the dresser. We're looking for something like that for our dining room. Maybe a little smaller though lol.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog, most of the boxes are unpacked and I can get some photos on here for everyone.
    And please, please order more hearts, I'm happy to do them for you.
    And now I've seen you're kitchen ther might even be a little something in your order for it x
    Take care sweetie,
    Catherine x

  26. Hi Donna - hope to buy my copy tomorrow....can't wait!
    Congratulations it looks like a wonderful article of a beautiful home.
    Niki x

  27. Hello Donna
    Thankyou for stopping by my blog, I am glad you did as I have now found yours! It was nice to see Truro from your perspective. I love Truro fabrics and always spend to much time and money in there! There is another fabric shop, not as big, up one of the back streets that sells lots of discounted fabric so next time you are down here I will tell you where it is. I am going to pop over to your website now and see if you have any fabric I could make a skirt out of, with some help from a friend. Will be back soon. Jane xx

  28. how wonderful! Im going to look out for it...we'll probably get it in Jan09 over here in behind!

  29. How fantastic! I love your kitchen! Congratulations on such a super article!

  30. So, having had such trouble finding a copy of the mag, I am totally depressed. I could never aspire to any of the homes in this publication. I am just ordinary, and live in an ordinary place. I do ordinary things, with ordinary people, except of course when I spend time with Donna ...

  31. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words and looking at your beautiful home in my copy of 25 Beautiful Homes, I am currently refurbishing our home and have taken great inspiration from your delightful blog

    Mary X

  32. Donna, your house looks just beautiful, such a wonderful home. Congratulations on another fab magazine article!

  33. Oh those baby's feet!
    Wonderful post, so interesting.

  34. Anonymous9:15 PM GMT

    I wanted to leave you a note, I don't normally leave messages- your home is beautiful. I hope you have a beautiful Christmas.

    Best Wishes,


    Robson & Mason.


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