
Saturday, December 06, 2008


and the winner is............... jo

Congratulations jo I shall spend some time studying your blog before dispatching your bag full of goodies to reach you in time for Christmas.

Thank you so much for all of you who entered, I was overwhelmed with the response and I am only sorry you can't all be winners. I know how disappointing it is not to win, I never win anything!

I loved hearing what you would all like to see in your stocking and it didn't really surprise me that what most of you wanted was time, time off, time to yourself, time to create, time to sleep. We don't ask for much do we? I hope you all find something lovely in your stockings my beautiful readers. You deserve to have the happiest of Christmases.

See you tomorrow for another renovation update!


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM GMT

    I love the renovation updates!! Keep 'em coming!! :) xx

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM GMT

    Well, I never ! I mean, it is me you never wins anything so you can imagine that I am quite flabbergasted.
    THANK YOU!!!
    Jo x

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM GMT

    See what I mean? I typed you rather than who. Alright then...

  4. Well done Jo, I'm dead jealous. Don't worry Dons, your room will soon look Fabulous!!!! Did you get the sofa?

  5. Congratulations to Jo, lucky girl.
    No Doona, we are not crazy, nothing like a deadline as you pointed out; to get a job done!
    I have always thrived under a little bit of pressure anyway.
    I miss being in the heart of the city. I am a strange girl...I want to live the simple abundance, country living lifestyle, yet find the city so stimulatiing. I looked at the rows of fantastic Georgian houses built around fenced gardens and alway say to Mr N...if we win the lottery we will buy a flat here.
    I spend a lot of my youth around Chelsea, Battersea, Covent Garden to name a few, so exciting when you are young but not a place to bring up your children.
    Happy decorating I do hope that it is going half of our room is done, the other half starts on Monday.
    Carol xx

  6. Congratulations Jo.

    So having a long name didn't work out for me then?
    If you ever do it again, just call me T! :O)

    Nah, we don't ask for much. A five hundred pound bottle of champagne and a time travel machine was a perfectly reasonable request!?

    Looking forward to your updates...


  7. I think I shall have to find out where Jo lives and mug her Postman!

  8. Anonymous4:33 AM GMT

    i'd like some skinny legs in my stockings :|

    - saff


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