
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Snowy Day in Devon

I know you must be sick of the sight of snowy pictures by now but please indulge me. This is the first snow we have had in this part of Devon for at least 10 years, on the news they say it's the heaviest for decades! My 2 littlest ones have never experienced a snowy day before so we were more than a little excited when we woke up this morning.

We have played all day, built a snowman, had snowball fights, had sledge rides up and down the drive and ate hearty soups and stews. A wonderful day!


  1. Lovely snow pics. Glad you had a lovely day. xxx

  2. Hi Donna,
    It's been a wonderful day, hasn't it? And more to fall tonight, I think...
    Keep warm,
    Niki x

  3. What beautiful pictures, I'm sure you must have memories to treasure forever there. The picture of you and your daughter and the one of your two girls together are lovely. That song is so haunting and beautiful.

    Mel xxx

  4. Lovely little show and I am not sick of snowy pic's at all. It has all been wonderful and so good to see everyone having fun....makes a change!

  5. Looks like you had a little more snow in the north of the county than us in the south. We blinked and it was gone!! Glad your family enjoyed it ;-)

  6. As Liz said - magical!! What a wonderful day the whole family had. How often does that happen!!

    I've sat through them all twice instead of getting ready to brave the elements to go to DH. There are some beautiul expressions on everyone's faces.

    What a good thing we came last week!

    Sue xx

  7. Hi Donna what fabulous pictures looks like a lot of family fun to me, how wonderful you could enjoy the snow all together.
    Our snow has melted and is messy now, not nice at all but the sunshine is lovely.

  8. Same here in Cornwall Donna. Such a rarity, though it is all but gone now. Lovely pictures xx

  9. Hi Donna. Loved your pictures - your family are getting so growed up now! Also, loved the music - do you know work of Abbie Lathe - not disimilar and also very good.
    Looking forward to June ...

  10. What a beautiful day, Donna! Great snowman!

  11. Oh Donna! I'm so pleased you put your slide show on here too. The show I was trying to watch, having followed your link, was v. v. slow and kept getting stuck. This flowed smoothly and was FABULOUS!!!!
    I loved it to pieces - what a beautiful record of your family having a wonderful day together.

    I loved seeing the expressions on the littlest ones faces - they were in heaven, weren't they?

    Thanks for sharing this.



  12. Lucky you Donna. We always get tons of white stuff here in Norfolk, but this time we have blue skies and frosty mornings. Praying for snow and cancelled school so we can steal some playtime. Your kids look like they're having a fabulous time.

    Lisa x

  13. Hey Dons,

    To add the player click on 'Embed' on the player itself and it will give you the option of getting code then go to your blog and then go to 'customise' then 'add a gadget' at the bottom of a page and choose add HTML or third party code.

    Paste the code into there.

    Hope that makes sense!!


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