
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sickness, Birthdays and a Textile Fair

It has been a very crazy time lately with my little girl being very poorly for a week then going back to preschool for 2 days and then getting a bad sickness and diarhoea bug which laid her low for another week. She has lain lifeless and feverish on the sofa for the best part of a fortnight, poor baby, and is now so thin and pale, a shadow of her former self.

It was her 4th birthday on Thursday and she could hardly open her presents before flopping onto the sofa again. Luckily she was a bit better by Sunday so that she could have her party with all her little friends who had been missing her. We booked a man to come and entertain her little friends by doing a bubble show. It was wonderful and although Lizzy didn't want to participate she was very happy watching and her friends and big brother were all very enthusiastic participants

Happily she is now on the mend and making up for lost time in both appetite and naughtiness! This is just as well as I had a textile fair to prepare for. I am going to be at the Ilminster Talent for Textiles fair tomorrow. I made a mock up of my stall in my kitchen yesterday and am now all packed up and ready to go. If any of you are coming tomorrow please be sure to come up and say hello, it would be lovely to see you.


  1. Donna you've made the stall look beautiful. I wish I had the starship enterprise here so I could teleport myself to all the gorgeous fairs going on miles from me. Good luck tommorow.

    My little bun missed her B'day on Saturday too because of same bug. Party postponed to this weekend. It makes you so sad for them. Glad to see your little one on the mend too.

    Oh and my what incredibky big bubbles. Wow.

    Lisa x

  2. Your stall looks great and I would have loved to visit. Why oh why do they put these fairs on during the week, surely more people would be able to make it on a weekend? Hope it goes well for you, anyway.
    Hen x

  3. Hi Donna
    I do feel for your daughter, her pale face with little flushed cheeks. She is so sweet.Glad that she well enough to have her birthday party which looked like fun. The large bubbles, my daughter would love!
    Your stand looks incredible, I so want to go tomorrow but haven't been 100%. Doing all I can to get better for tomorrow as I have been looking forward to it for months! I won't be able to make it to your open day in May as I will be away on IOW attending the confirmation of my sisters 3 children, pity it had to fall on same weekend. You can see why I really don't want to miss out on tomorrow too!.
    Fingers crossed, might see you there tomorrow. I wish you a fun and successful day!
    Isabelle x

  4. Hello glad she is on the mend!
    So many nasty bugs about!

    The party looked super brill, such fun!
    Your home is so great!xxxx

  5. Hi there!
    Your stall looks fabulous and I only wish that I was nearer to Ilminster!
    I hope your daughter is now on the mend...poor little girl!;-)

  6. Poor little Lizzy - it's always so awful when they are sick.

    Your stall will look fabulous - you have some gorgeous things!


  7. Lovely - I wish I was nearer. Hope you got my email?

  8. Poor Lizzy - glad to hear she's on the mend. Have a fab time tomorrow. Can't wait to come and see you at your spring sale soon! xxx

  9. OMG your stall looks as if it will be fab - I wish I lived nearer - I will dream about those fabrics tonight


  10. Your stall looks wonderful. So glad your little lady is on the mend, Twiglet seems to have been ill for ages too :(
    Twiggy x

  11. so glad to hear that Lizzy is on the mend. Looking forward to seeing you in the morning!
    t'other Lizzie x

  12. Wish I could visit your stall...looks lovely. Glad the little one is on the mend... party looks fun :)

  13. I do feel for poor little pleased she is feeling brighter now.
    Your stand looks fab all that lovely fabric I would so love to have a browze through that lot. Really pleased with the little parcel thank you.

  14. Your poor baby girl............ I'm glad she's on the mend.
    Those bubbles! Wow! I've never seen people inside bubbles, how magical.
    Your stall looks gorgeous, how I wish I could go to all these fairs that are so out of reach to me...........
    Vanessa xxx

  15. I think I'll have all of the fabrics please Doona. Hope little one is better now xx

  16. Hi Donna,
    Glad that your wee-one is feeling better and now getting up to naughtiness! Those big bubbles are incredible! - The kids must have loved the entertainer.

    Lovely to see you today - your stand was adorable! Only wish I could have bought more....
    Hope you had a safe journey home,
    Niki x

  17. Hi Donna!
    I would have loved to come to the fair yesterday, but I am in the midst of making a wedding dress for a customer. I got the fabric from you a little while back (the 50's abstract print) and the dress is beginning to look splendid! I will let you have a pic when all is done (post wedding to avoid spoiling surprises!).
    I shall definitely try to come along to your open house sessions though!
    Hope you are having a good rest today.
    Happy days to you.
    Denise x

  18. What I meant to say was, I'll also be posting on my blog about the outfit - that's why I can't pass on any pics until after the Wedding!
    D x

  19. Are those giant bubbles? -wow! Very impressive. Looks like Lizzie had fun!

    Ignore the gnashing of teeth coming from the Kent area as unable to visit to another of your wonderful stalls. :-(

  20. Hey Donna, Just been having a look at your pics from your gorgeous little girls birthday party...It has brought back so many memories for me, there are photos of me when I was tiny having the very same tea party, its quite strange! The floral table coth, the mix matched chairs around the big pine table in the kitchen is exactly what my mum use to do for me, she also had the dresser full of china, I will have to dig out my photo and show you, Its uncanny!

    love Jennifer xxx


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