
Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Happy Hot Cross Bun Day everyone. I thought I would pop in and share some images of our Easter so far.

A preschool Easter bonnet parade. I decided against the smock in the end in case the other parents didn't quite 'get it'! We are saving it for Easter Day and the treasure hunt in the garden.

Our Easter tree, an annual event, decorated with eggs, bunnies and chicks.

Easter eggs

Sometimes I have to let go of the control freak in me and let Lizzy do her own decorating, even if it means that all the eggs go on one branch........................

because it makes her so happy!

Easter bunnies

and my first foray into home made hot cross buns. Delicious but I must remember to pipe the crosses on AFTER proving the dough or else they end up on the tea towel. We had hot crossless buns!


  1. I love the colours and all the 'fripperies' (as my DH calls them) of Easter!
    The Easter bonnets look wonderful ;-)

  2. 'Happy Easter' Donna to you and your wee ones...
    Great buns! ;-))
    Niki x

  3. Happy Easter Donna.
    Love all those Bonnets!
    Carol x

  4. All your Easter cuties look so nice. Especially Lizzie of course!

    Have a lovely Easter!

  5. Happy Easter to you all! Lizzy looks fabulous in her Easter bonnet...and your Easter decorations are fab (I spotted one of your Vintage Magpie bunnies!) xxx

  6. Happy Easter!

    Lovely displays!xx

  7. Awwww - I've just found this here, Donna. What lovely photos.
    Oh, and thanks for showing us your buns - fnar, fnar! hee hee

  8. Well Done on making your own Hot Cross Buns - We would have a Hot Cross Mummy if I tried !!

    Happy Easter


  9. Anonymous3:33 PM GMT

    Hi Donna,

    Thanks so much for sending the invite. Hoping yours' was a Flower filled Easter.

    Bye for now LOL Frances

  10. Happy Easter! That's the sort of thing I'd do with the buns!

  11. Hope you had a wonderful Easter Donna. We had our first home made Hot Cross Buns this weekend too, they were a bit chewy but very good!

  12. Hello Donna
    I very much like your Easter displays. It struck a chord when you said that you had to let go of the control freak in you to let your daughter decorate her way, even if it meant all the eggs were on the same branch... Oh that did make me smile as I could relate to that...
    Isabelle x

  13. If you have any buns left, they make a great bread and butter pud! Yum.
    If you look you up without 'the' in front, you get a completely different blog indeed. Just did this - prefer yours!


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