
Sunday, May 24, 2009


Last week I got up at 4.30 am and travelled the 2 hours+ to Dorchester to set up a stall at Poundbury. As if the ungodly hour was not enough, my normally reliable and safe car decided to play up badly and I literally limped my way there. I had a problem with my automatic gears so that I was stuck in a high gear. This meant crawling up hills at 20 miles per hour!!! Pulling away from roundbouts and junctions wasn't fun either. I have no break down cover as this is one of those things I was going to get round to. Luckily Mum and Saff were coming to see me later in the day so I phoned them and told them that I may need rescuing.

I set up my stall and decided not to think about the journey home until I had to!
It was a great day, very sunny, wonderful turnout and the usual mix of very interesting people both on the stalls and customers. I loved my stall and had far more space than I had given myself in the kitchen when I did my mock up. I took some photos but I am sorry that they aren't up to much. I blame the early start and traumatic journey!

Linda has some wonderful pictures on her blog of the downstairs, outdoor, stalls which looked like a lovely French brocante, and Lizzie has some more of upstairs. There were some real treasures, some of which came home with me.

One of my customers is this talented lady who makes the most stunning dolls. She sent me photos of a doll she has since made using the fabric she bought from me on Wednesday. Beautiful isn't she? Look at all the work that has gone into this creation.

........... and the journey home? Fine! No problems at all although I have to admit I felt much safer with my escort home.
Cars huh?!!


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM GMT

    Fab. xxxxx

  2. Your Poundbury stall looks fantastic. Hope you sold tons of stuff and enjoj buying tons more to replace it! ... all keeps the world going round doesn't it?
    Is the Poundbury event a regular one? We pass that way sometimes.
    Lesley X

  3. Your stall looks great. Sounds like a wonderful event, I wish I could have gone!

    Glad that you got home ok.

  4. I don't know if the car journey is more shocking than the time you got up. Glad you managed to limp into town and out ok. Mine is doing a nasty metal grinding noise at the moment which Elvis' 'Guitar Man' seems to drown out quite nicely.

    Hope you had lots of sales Donna.

    Lisa x

  5. Hi Donna

    Wasn't it a lovely day. Your stall looked super as always. What a stunning doll - a very talented lady!

    Glad you got home safely.

    Sue xx

  6. Donna, the car sounds ill. Hope it is now feeling better. It looks like it was a lovely day.

  7. Good for you and your stall! Here's for you...'the sun shines brightest after the rain' :-)

  8. if getting to and setting up is'nt stressful enough!
    Stall looks great though, wish I could have been there.

  9. The journey home was probably plain sailing as it was all downhill...!
    I always thought outward journeys were uphill and homeward journey downhill as a child... still do!

    Beautiful stall Donna.. I know you will be bringing something wonderful to the fair in November.

    Michele x


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