
Saturday, June 20, 2009


I love my front door at this time of year. Roses cascade down each side, honeysuckle scent hits me as I come out and this year we have foxgloves. We haven't planted them and goodness knows where they have come from but they are so beautiful.

(The children have been given strict instructions to look and not touch, which seems to have worked as Lizzy tells me, 'You mustn't touch the digitalis or you will die'!)

What does your door look like?


  1. Love the simplicity of 'or you will die.' Clearly not too terrible a fate.

    You door looks gorgeous. Plants grow in beds leading up to our door and then gentle billowing cobwebs hang over it. Must get the brush out soon.

    Lisa x

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM GMT

    so lizzy isn't like your naughty little sister, who when told not to make the tip of the orchid fall off or else it would die, did exactly that.


  3. That arbor is beautiful. We are going to put one in eventually when we put in a fence.

  4. Hi Donna,
    Lovely to meet you too..I don't know how I've missed your blog before's lovely!Have a good week.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM GMT

    Your front door looks gorgeous, are the pictures on the right your house? It looks lovely, has it ever been featured in a magazine?

  6. Beautiful door Donna.
    Have got a new blog, replaced Muddy Red Shoes with Hand and I, put a link to you there, go have a look.

  7. well, our bell isn't as big a yours!! is that for the garden or the whole village? Hubby bans everyone from using ours before 8am and after 6pm - bit of a problem with kids dropping by to play! t.x

  8. Your front door is maknig me want to move to the country! How summery and gorgeous it looks. Lizzy is a very wise girl! I must remember to water the box trees outside our front door later...they're putting us to shame by turning a little brown around the edges!

  9. Lovely to meet you yeasterday at the flea market, Your front door is loke a choc box! Im moving house and leaving a similar arch in my current garden, so enjoy those roses while you can. Hop you had a good day and found lots of lovely things, I certainly did adn will go next time! (with a bit more cash i think) lol maxine


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