
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Drawers and other thrifty finds!

Lately I have found myself drawn to drawers (pardon the pun)! I find this often happens to me. I decide I want to find something and then I find loads of them. Are we drawn to them or do they find us I wonder? Anyway, I have been finding lots of sets of little drawers on my thrifting travels and have had great fun painting them in Cath Kidston furniture paints. They will hold my buttons and other lovelies when I go to textile fairs.

I have also found a few more Sylko Cotton reel drawers to add to my collection. They hold all my vintage wooden cotton reels, which are colour coordinated.

Shelves have also been calling to me and I have been stacking them in the garage ready to paint up and put in the house. This little set is my most recent find and I am undecided whether to paint them or leave them with their chippy blue gloss intact.

I have also found some little bits to add to my vintage toy and kitsch collection like this cat who looks very pleased with herself!

3 flying swallows which makes a change from the 3 flying ducks that I usually find.

Little wooden boats. I find them irresistible and can never pass them by if I see them.

These posters are adorable. I love the faces. Those were the days, when children all looked like they had stepped from an Enid Blyton book! I think some of these will be coming to the Vintage and Handmade Fair in November if I can bear to let them go.

This little bed was a great find and is now in the newly tidied playroom filled with Lizzy's favourite dolls snuggled under their quilt and crocheted blankets.

I didn't find these sweet dolls, they were given to me by the daughter of a dear friend of mine, Barbara, a fellow fabricaholic, who sadly died this year.

Lastly, it will be my blog's 4th anniversary, or blogoversary, on Saturday. I cannot believe I have been writing this blog for so long. I am equally amazed at how many people read it. When I started this I did it to update my sister who lives in USA and my friend who had just moved to France. I didn't think for a minute that anyone else would ever be interested in my ramblings. It has been a great experience. I have met so many lovely bloggers both over the internet and in person. It has brought like minded people into my life that I would not have otherwise met being at that time a new mum living in the middle of nowhere.

To celebrate this with me just leave me a comment, say hi, spread some love and I will put all the names in a hat on the 31st July and the first one out will get one of my goodie bags filled with vintage fabric scraps, buttons, ribbons etc. So, come on, say hi, you never know it could be you!


  1. Oh those little chipped shelves are lovely. I'm having the same dilema with a paint or not to paint that is the question?!Happy Blogaversary

  2. The temptation is to say "Nice drawers".. there. Very silly but Could not resist!
    Lizzie xxxx

  3. I so enjoy reading your blog although I am new to this whole experience...I vote for leaving your shelves the chippy blue color!!!

  4. Love the pink cot! i have a collection of similar furniture because the barmy transfers make me smile! I also collect the old transfers - but I haven't dared use them in case they go wonky - I have dim memories of lots of cussing when new transfers were purchased for our bedrooms from Fads decorating store!! Happy bloggywotsit! t.x

  5. Hi Donna

    Lovely painted drawers! What a beautiful selection of things you have. How nice it is for you to have keepsafe dolls from your friend Barbara, they must mean a lot to you.
    Happy 4th anniversary!
    Take care
    Isabelle x

  6. Anonymous8:01 PM GMT

    It's great that you have been blogging for 4 years. I have only just started and thoroughly look forward to the next posting and catching up with others. It's always exciting to find you have a new follower.
    I love those Sylko boxes I have always wanted some of those. The posters are lovely, so peaceful and carefree.

  7. i'm so glad i found your blog ... you have such an eye for the delightful. Happy blogiversary.

  8. wow, so many things to love here. all the drawers = amazing. leave the shelves chipped blue i say, that looks as though it would work with your style.

    the swallows! i think i might've actually gasped when i saw them! the boats! so lovely. i'm looking out for boats at the moment...

    all in all, a great post - so wishing you and your blog a happy 4th!

  9. What a lovely post. Great finds but wow where do you keep it all?
    4 years in huh - very impressive to a newbie like me. Lets hope you are still here in 4 years time too. I will still be visiting x

  10. Your drawers and shelves are lovely - I like the blue chippy look! Congratulations on your 4th blog birthday :) xxx Gem

  11. I do envy you all down there in Devon Donna. It seems filled with vintage treasures ripe for the picking. Some fab things each made me go ooh and aah.

    I had some lovely small drawers on my stall for display only once. When I came back from a loo run I found they'd been sold. I still miss them as they were meant to hold dollies clothes really. I'd only borrowed them.

    Happy doo da. Four years is amazing.

    Lisa x

  12. I love all the drawers. I have a slight obsession with drawers, shelves, and particularly boxes. Unfortunaly this obsession with storage hasn't translated into a tidy organised house.
    I love the little bed as well, and my daughter would love it even more.

    Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. You provide great inspiration.
    Here's to 4 more years.

  13. Congratulations on your blogaversary. I have enjoyed following your blog for the last year or so. I just drool over all the lovely things you have in your house and shop.

  14. Hi Donna,
    Congratulations - 4 years is an amazing achievement! And of course we all love to read your ramblings...nosey? Us?!
    And its been wonderful to meet you on more than one occasion!

    May I say your drawers are looking fab?!! They will be a useful and attractive addition to your stalls. I have a cream set of the Sylko drawers, but am looking for the duck egg blue ones now...

    I have the same set of school posters! I'm not sure what to do with them yet though...Michele does a wonderful job with hers at the V&H, so I don't want to step on anyone's toes...

    Congrats again and happy celebrating, Niki x

  15. Well done on the 4 years!
    That makes you twice my age then!!
    I love the posters...have a couple on my study of them with foxgloves on it,which is my fave!

    I think we just missed you in Ashburton last week? A little birdie told me that you'd visited!!
    We tend to go every Thursday morning.The heavens have just opened and so I am waiting for the rain to stop before making my way there in a while!

  16. Hello! You truly are the Queen of Finding Lovely Things! What fabulous finds. You've inspired - I want to give up work and scour the country for gorgeous things! Think perhaps I'll have to keep the day job and leave treasure hunting just for the weekends (booooo!)

    Happy 4th BlogBirthDay! xxx

    P.S. If you ever get fed up with any of your gorgeous Sylko drawers, you know where to come to find them a new home!!!

  17. Hi Sweetie

    Love the blog entry and all the gorgeous photos.

    Can it really be 4 years? Congratulations. I so enjoy reading your blog.

    (Please don't put my name into your draw because I'm related to you, darling)

    Oh! I've lost my Grumpy Old Woman identity and my photo!


  18. Hello Donna
    What lovely things you've shown. I adore the boats and the posters! Isn't it funny how something can crop up all over the place once you become conscious of it. This happened to be with pieces of a Royal Vale tea set - I found a (chipped) cup and saucer but had to have it. Within a couple of months I've got almost a complete tea set as I've come across the design so many times since!
    Happy 4th Anniversary to you - what a long time and what an achievement too!
    Denise x

  19. I blogged about my cotton reel drawers yesterday - which I found full of Clarks Anchor bobbins! Love your blog and have to keep coming back for more...

  20. Hello - I just discovered your blog today! We had cots just like that when we were children - for us and for our dolls - I remember those transfer pictures so well!

    Pomona x

  21. Anonymous1:26 PM GMT

    i am glad to have been part of your blog's birth! ;)

    happy 4th blog-birthday

    - saff xxxxx

  22. Gosh just found your blog, wow what a lovely place to visit. Love the drawers your are collecting. Love the pretty painted blue one.

    Will be visiting again.


  23. You will be at the V & HM in November ...... whooo hoooo! I'm so pleased, I will get to meet you and we can talk all things 'Elbow'!
    Or how much we fancy Guy!
    Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary.
    Lovely, lovely finds Donna.

  24. Hi Donna

    Four years already? Doesn't time fly. Congratulations!

    I recently bought some cream drawers - wish I'd kept the blue ones!!!

    Love the farming posters ... might need those should you decide to sell them!!

    Sue xx

  25. I really like your blog Donna and want to make a comment, hope this works!I've just started blogging recently so not sure exactly what to do yet. I make quilts and other textiley things with a friend and my daughter and I've often looked on your site and admired all the lovely fabrics without being brave enough to buy! I'd like to come and see your shop as I believe it's near Abbotsham. My sister has a house in Appledore so I visit regularly. Congrats on blogging for 4 years!

  26. Congratulations on your 4th blogversary!! What an achievement!!
    Love all the vintage drawers, perfect to go with all the lovely vintage fabric you have! I adore those lovely Enid Blyton style prints too : )

    Have a great weekend

    Sharon xx

  27. Oh I just love the Sylko drawers. I wish I could find some. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary!

  28. Such a great haul Donna. i love it all. i think you should leave the shelves as they are a lovely blue, however I think they would look lovely in whatever colour you painted them. Also I don't think I thanked you for my lovely bag of fabric. What a sweet thing to do and such a bonus for my growing and escaping from the cupboard collection. I think I may be needing some of those drawers soon. Have a lovely week.

  29. I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

  30. Hi Donna
    I found you! Love the little fabric dolls in the pink cot and miniature crochet blanket - so charming! And I've always wanted one of those units (is it drapers' chest or haberdashers drawers?) Makes me think of 'Are You Being Served'! (but in a good way)
    Congrats on your blog anniversary! I'm such a technophobe, I didn't realise it all started so long ago! I blame living in Cornwall - only just got running water here!

  31. So I'm over 30! And don't I feel it too... doesn't mean I'm too old or hopefully too late to be drawn [in another type of draw] out of the hat. Happy anniversary!

  32. I have a little stack of shelves waiting to be painted too for my craft cottage! Your blog is lovely. I've enjoyed my visit here. Congratulations on all your blogging. That's quite a history!

  33. I like your drawers missus! You've had a lot of thrifting action going on. I'm looking for a tiny dressing table to put my knobs on but isn't it typical? when you are looking you can find one!

    Happy 4th blogoversary by the way!

    claire xxx

  34. Congratulations on your 4 years of blogging! Well done!
    i read your blog regularly. I also love fabrics and love to read how and where you find yours!


  35. Happy 4th Blogversary with many more to come, I love the Posters remind me of my childhood Books which I still add to now & then

  36. Happy 4th Birthday blog! I like all the old toys you found and the posters are great! Your write a brilliant blog, keep it up and o look forward to all the future posts! nic x

  37. I'd love to win. I absolutely love those Sylko drawers - they are brilliant.

  38. Just popped in to say hi.I think the little pink bed and all its inhabitants is just gorgeous - You have a truly lovely blog, and I have just become a follower, Laurel xx

  39. Happy Blogiversary! Well done you! I've only recently started Blogging and can only hope I last as long as you!

  40. Well done on 4 years!! Love the vintage posters, they remind me of storybooks when I was a child.


  41. congrats on 4 years wow!
    love the shelves and other bits and pieces :-)
    Lesley x

  42. Hello Donna!
    How funny that you were at Camp Bestival ! We could have had tea and cake in the WI tent and have a good bloggers chat! I'm looking forward to your blog post about it all - can't wait to buy tickets for 2010!
    Denise x


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