
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lovely Gifts

Isn't it wonderful to get unexpected gifts through the post?  It very rarely happens to me so the other day when I got a box from Australia I was intrigued.

Allison of Lark makes beautiful fabric buttons for me to sell on my website. I send her the fabric and she sends the buttons back  all made up ready to be put on cards.  She was sending me some cards as I had already received the buttons so the box was a little big for just button cards.

Inside was a lovely book called Afternoon Tea, beautifully illustrated with vintage tea sets and fabrics.

Another beautiful packet

This one held some reels of the most beautiful Japanese masking tapes. Are they too beautiful to use?

And then there was a sweet goodie bag which I recognised as the goodie bags that Allison was giving out when she opened her fab shop in Daylesford.

I felt very spoilt!  Wasn't I lucky? 

For those of you who haven't yet discovered Allison's blog and her delicious online shop Lark I suggest you hotfoot it over there!


  1. Ooh lucky you. Packages in the post are so exciting. Love the tapes they're beautiful.

  2. Hi Donna...I think this lovely friend of yours knows you very well...gorgeous gifts to receive on a grey British day.
    Niki x

  3. What a lovely pressie - but I'm confused - you are in the UK and you send fabric to Australia to get covered buttons made? I'm intrigued.

  4. lovely goodies Donna. Glad you liked my Jumbly finds on my blog, sadly girl in picture is already sold to a certain shop in Lyme.... (and I nearly kept her until J. pointed out the certain lack of wall space in this house! tee hee.)
    Have a good weekend. Lizzie xxx

  5. Hey Donna, I'm glad you liked them! Allison x

  6. Vintagerockchick - Allison used to live in the UK, she moved to Australia a few years ago so now I send the fabric to her in OZ.

  7. Congratulations Donna, I see you have a mention in todays Guardian weekend magazine. Go girl!


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