
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow

The first thing I do  on waking up is to look out of the hall window outside our bedroom to see what the morning has brought with it.  Today there was a beautiful big rainbow set against a moody sky. Five minutes later we had an enormous hailstorm, followed by bright blue skies which stayed for the whole day, bathing us in Spring sunshine and a promise of better weather to come.

This week I went to view an auction with my lovely friend Laura. There were some great pieces there


We were both unavailable for the day so we left commission bids on a few items. I fell in love with a pair of painted cupboards, perfect to put fabric in but nowhere to put them (minor detail) so was quite relieved to find out that I had been outbid!

I was successful on one item only, a rather shabby and battered old leather suitcase


A well travelled item with the prettiest floral fabric inside

A closer look?


Lovely isn't it?  It makes me wonder why Major West would have such a feminine lining to his suitcase?!
The inside is in perfect condition but the outside is flakey and dry.  Does anyone have any tips on how to restore it or is it not possible?

It will be perfect for storing fabrics or quilts in don't you think?


  1. Completely perfect.It was such a beautiful fabric inside. Glad you got it. We had such a lovely afternoon. L x

  2. Nice winnings!
    I just restored/polished up my collection of suitcases with boot polish. They came up well - you just need to feed/replenish the oils in the leather.

    Vicky x

  3. Hi Donna

    I like some of those other Lots. Haven't managed to get to any auctions recently, but do enjoy the thrill of bidding (and hopefully winning)!!

    My National Trust book "Looking after Antiques" suggests it's often better to leave well alone. However, suitcases, for example, can be improved with clear beeswax polish, applied using a soft cloth or your fingers. Only a very small amount, and test an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't remove the colour. Preferable to leather creams as it doesn't penetrate into the leather.

    Hope that helps. I've used clear beeswax in the past. Usually works well.

    Sue x

  4. What a beautiful suitcase. I've never been to an auction but would love to day...yet another thing on 'the'list!

  5. What a spectacular rainbow...the perfect way to begin the day!

  6. No idea sorry, but what about this idea:

    This is just beautiful and still looks original in a different way.

  7. Grumpy Old Woman7:45 AM GMT

    Oooh, what a gorgeous interior to that suitcase, Donna.
    I wish I'd thought to take a look at it when I popped in..... next time..

    Auctions are such fun, aren't they? Haven't been to one for ages.

    Love the rainbow photo. Can't believe you took it on your iPhone. It looks like a really good quality shot.


  8. I would LOVE to go to an auction, but I think it would be can get leather food, (available online) this one is often used for restoring, apparently

  9. I'd use a glycerine based sadle soap.

  10. Thank you for the lovely rainbow ;-)

  11. Loving the suitcase Donna. Very jealous of your exciting retail trips with Laura...

    Thanks for comment on the blog and excuse the grumpiness. All the kind words do well to snap me out of it x

  12. Loving the suitcase - looks as though it needs oiling if that's something you can actually do to a suitcase?
    New mag out called Cloth and you are mentioned not once but twice [so far] in issue 1.

  13. Hi Donna
    What a lovely old suitcase!!
    I used glycerine based sadle soap on some of my old suitcases years ago,and they came out lovely. But I would test an area first.
    Good Luck!

  14. I see the others have beaten me to the advise bit! Beautiful lining on that case. Do give the Dairy House a ring re the cupboard, it will be there unless Sue sold it yesterday afternoon! xx

  15. Anonymous9:10 PM GMT

    Boot polish or leather oil ( if you can get it) for the suitcase.Use a very soft cloth and be gentle as the surface of leather can come away if it has really dried out badly.Let the polish/oil really soak in. Build it up in layers.

  16. Ooh, there's nothing like an auction win to perk up my mood!


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