
Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Happy Day, A Sad Day

Last week my little baby turned 5.  How that happened I do not know.  Surely she has just arrived?   But no, 5 she is!  What a fabulous 5 years this little unexpected gift has given me. When I thought I was all done with having babies (my oldest is 20), she came along with her easy going, sweet,  good natured ways and showed me how much fun being a new mum after the age of 40 could be.

My little Lizzy Lou, dinosaur girl, how I love you.

The day before my little girl turned 5, the lovely Elspeth Thompson died.  I never met her but was an avid reader of her blog  and books.  Because of this wonderful blogging world where we all correspond like pen friends I feel as if I did know her and have felt sad about her passing ever since I heard the news.

She loved this poem by Thomas A Clark -


May the best hour of the day be yours.
May luck go with you from hill to sea.
May you stand against the prevailing wind.
May no forest intimidate you.
May you look out from your own eyes.
May near and far attend you.
May you bathe your face in the sun’s rays.
May you have milk, cream, substance.
May your actions be effective.
May your thoughts be affective.
May you will both the wild and the mild.
May you sing the lark from the sky.
May you place yourself in circumstance.
May you be surrounded by goldfinches.
May you pause among alders.
May your desire be infinite.
May what you touch be touched.
May the company be less for your leaving.
May you walk alone beneath the stars.
May your embers still glow in the morning.

I am sure her embers will glow in the hearts of the many people she touched during her all too short life.  My thoughts are with her family.


  1. How lovely...thank you for sharing this with us...;-)
    Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl!

  2. "reflection" must be in the air, as I've also just done a post on memories!
    The poem is perfect for my mood today- I shall read it again in some quiet time.

  3. Happy birthday to your little girl.
    It's really sad isn't? I was shocked when I saw it on here & Twitter....she was so young :(

  4. Grumpy Old Woman7:20 AM GMT

    Beautiful pictures and poem.
    Lost for words.....
    Thank you for sharing.


  5. Dear Donna
    Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl- what a bundle of joy and love and happiness!
    Sad news about Elspeth... I didn't know this. How shocking. As you say, blogland is a place where it feels we 'know' something about each other - she will be so very much missed.
    Thank you for your lovely comment over at mine. I am very envious of your trip to Latitude - envious in a very vivid shade of green!!!!!! I'd love to go to a festival again this year, but there are too many other big expenses.... maybe next year!
    Will see you at Dairy House, if not at something else prior to that!
    Happy days,
    Denise x

  6. I like this informative post. such a very lovely post. thanks for sharing with us....

  7. Happy Happy 5th Birthday to your lovely little girl!

  8. Happy Birthday to your little girl!
    Thank you for the poem, so sad to hear about Elspeth Thompson, I loved to read her blog too. I feel for her Family.
    Lost for words really.

    Sandie xx

  9. Donna, it is so sad about Elspeth, poor soul. She must have felt so desperate to do such a tragic thing.

    My last baby came along when I thought i had finished and I was 42. She is now almost four and we are having a great time - more tired this time round, but fun anyhow x

  10. Happy Birthday to your little girl! 5 is a very special age (my little boy is 5)!!! :o)
    I have just read of Elspeth Thompson's death. What a tragic loss! I, too, loved her books. My heart goes out to her family as they deal with this.

  11. Happy Belated Birthday to your Lizzie Lou - what a wonderful unexpected gift.
    I was so sad to hear of Elspeth's death, what a terribly sad loss for her family. It's hard to find the words...

  12. this blessing has really touched my heart.Is it a celtic one? It's a bit similar to the old Irish one ,"May the road rise up to meet you...etc " Thankyou for that and a happy birthday to your little one.

  13. Hey you, we had a completely lovely beautiful day with you on Saturday. Thank you so much it was very special and I shall remember it always. Lizzie was so sweet with everyone, but the mummy tomb has caused a few scary thoughts! What sad news Donna, Makes me upset to read that.

    And I have run out of time, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you this week. I missed our kitchen table talk. Looking forward to it when I get back. Have a lovely Easter with your gorgeous family. Love Laura x

  14. yah therse blessing has really inspire me thanks for having all these here..


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