
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Easter (and stuff)

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.  Easter was lovely in our household.  The excitement was palpable from the moment the children woke up in the morning. First thing in the morning they decorated their baskets ready for egg hunting.

They love the easter hunt, with clues, all round the garden and house.  Lizzy will need her own set of clues next year as Alfie tends to take over!

The chickens were also roped into the entertainment.  We each chose a chicken and,  with a bit of food for encouragement, they were let out of their run for the Great Annual Chicken Race!

 These photos were an experiment taken with my Hipstamatic camera on my iPhone and are supposed to look like 1960's photos. I rather like them!

We also painted eggs which were then rolled down the sloping driveway of our house to choose the winner.  This caused much hilarity as each egg seemed to have its' own method of rolling.

I have put down my crochet for the time being and have taken up knitting.  First I knitted a bunny (which is just a body, ears and a pom pom tail!

I then progressed  to knitting my first teddy bear.

This one is for Alfie and I have more wool to make a white one for Lizzy.  Don't look too close, I hope to improve as time goes on but, as per usual, I am teaching myself as I go, so it's rather a long process!

The past few days have been spent preparing for the Textile and Costume Fair at Dairy House this weekend. I have mocked up my stall so here is a sneak preview of the goodies I will be taking. The weather is getting better and we have a promise of sunshine, hoorah, I knew it would come!  I hope to see some of you there.


  1. Hi Donna

    I am impressed! Your knitted bunny and teddy are so sweet. Teaching yourself too, you are very talented and are obviously a natural.
    I haven't picked up the crochet hook for ages, too busy unfortunately. Hoping to get a bit more 'me' time this summer when I don't have quite so much decorating to do in the house.

    I shall be there on Sunday and look forward to seeing you there.

    Great looking stall, as ever...

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  2. A hen race sounds like fun! :-) Your knit animals are so cute!! And I love all the delightful fabrics and the creative display shelves in your stall. It's all so cheerful!

  3. Grumpy Old Woman5:49 AM GMT

    What a lovely post this is Donna.
    The photos are fab - thanks for sharing them.

    Sooo looking forward to this Sunday!


  4. I love the stand - thanks for having a 'dress rehearsal' so we can see what it'll look like. Wishing you loads of success for the weekend x

  5. Looks as if you had a fab Easter. The stall is looking fantastic. I was over there today getting things ready & doing a spot of hoovering! See you there! Lizzie xxx

  6. The teddy is gorgeous! Don't forget to post a pic of the white teddy when he's done!
    Thanks for the mock up stall, I feel like I've already attended the fair,unfortunately I won't be able to get there.
    Have a great day.

    Sandie xx

  7. A chicken race looks like so much fun, glad you had a good Easter (and stuff)

  8. What fun and wonderful pics!

  9. Looks like you had great fun! Love the style of the photos!

  10. yey great knitting, i was crocheting a beanie hat for bella (age 6) but i got something a bit wrong and now it seems to be an enormous beret!!!) perhaps i need more practice!!
    looking forward to seeing you at vhm fair. - have you got any old toile?

  11. Your Easter looks fun. I've got that camera app on my brand new and sparkling iphone too. God, I love it!!! I can't be bothered to take normal pix now!

    and your knitting looks fab. I am crap at knitting.


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