
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

I'm just mad about Saffron

I have never really been attracted to yellow in the past, if asked it would not be one of my favourite colours, but lately I have noticed it creeping into my life.

Firstly, around the house

and now in my wardrobe. My new (old) summer dresses are distinctly lemon this season!

Oh yes, I am definitely liking this mellow yellow!


  1. What pretty dresses- I wish I could get away with yellow!

  2. What lovely photos.

    Mmmmm - your move towards yellow must signify something - I would say whatever it is it must be positive, because yellow is such a happy, sunny colour.

    And you definitely wear it well......


  3. Hi,Donna.I too have noticed this yellow stuff creeping into my life.I think it's definitely a sumer thing>We are subconsciously or even brazenly yearning for sunshine and as our English sun is so fickle, we try to reproduce it in many guises.There are certain shades of yellow that are too good to pass over.There is real sunshine in Yorkshire this morning,hope it finds you too. Anne x

  4. Hey - that's my mug! Love the dress on the left - I think yellow and gray look really nice together.

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM GMT

    I love yellow, it's just fab!x

  6. ilovemehouse did a post a while back about not liking/rediscovering yellow...I was tempted, but apart from yellow kitchen walls I have to admit I'm still not a fan.
    (Apart from sunshine of course!)
    Love the dresses tho!

  7. just put a framed french picture of yellow roses on the freshly painted hall wall.. so I am with you on the vibe!
    PS thanks for your comment Donna, that vide was amazing......

  8. Yellow, instantly uplifting and cheerful I always think. x

  9. Lovely lovely lovely. :) xxx

  10. Yellow is so lovely with other colours isn't it? I love that cellular blanket - I have two of those very ones (vintage I presume) - and it was when I acquired those that I started to notice yellow (and mustard) creeping into my favoured colour palette too. It must be one of those sneaky colours that just creeps up on you.

  11. I love big yellow roses , especially in a '50s dress . Now all we need is some sunny days .

  12. I felt the same about orange and yellow and now I have a fair bit too. There's just so many shades that hit the spot and you seem to have a lovely selection Donna.

  13. how spooky - me too - and i am still on the crusade for a yellow front door............


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