
Friday, February 03, 2012

New Year, New Fabrics!

Brrrrrrr!!  Isn't it cold?!!  We have no snow here in North Devon but plenty of ice and our country lane is treacherously icy!

As a result I have spent a lot of time indoors going through fabrics that I have had for some time now and have put them in my eBay  shop

I have also been stocking the website shelves with beautiful fabrics including these pretty cotton fat quarters. Perfect for quilting, patchwork or small textile projects.

As well as fat quarters I have added dress lengths and  some gorgeous children's fabrics

Included is a whole roll of 1950's shower curtain fabric. Perfect for wash bags, shower caps or  waterproof bag linings.  It's so wonderfully kitsch!

I am looking forward to the next year, to finding lots of new and exciting fabrics for you and to my new project which is to make a craft room for myself.  At the moment all my creative energies go into running my website and not enough time is spent 'making'. I have vowed that this year will see a change in that balance and that I will make more time to be creative, so,  the first step has been made and my worktops have arrived.  Watch this space!!


  1. Oooh my have to get some of that poodle fabric. Youngest jammer has a bit of a thing about poodles for some reason.
    Keep warm!

  2. Here in the Netherlands we have snow, not very much though...but it's cooooold!
    When i'm on my bike the icy wind cut into my cheeks like a knife ouch!

    Staying inside with a hot chocolate reading posts like this is the best solution ;-)

    I love your blog, so pretty with all those nice pics.


  3. Beautiful fabrics, they just make you smile don't they?
    Here in NSW Australia we've had a lot of summer rain- very humid, but at least it's a bit cooler and the garden is loving it. Thanks for the eye candy!

  4. with ice here too that doesn't melt, just gets thicker and thicker each night it's been days indoors here too- its been a bit hairy taking the cars "skating"!
    Popping over now to have a look at your eBay
    Stay snug

  5. Hi Donna,
    Yet more divine fabric eye candy (thank you). I have been loving and making beautiful things with your beautiful fabrics this week. It reminded me of our time at Cowslip in the Summer; wish you could have been there this week.
    Love Hen xxx

  6. lovely selection of fabrics, love the floral ones best!

  7. Such gorgeous fabrics, I'll definitely be checking out your eBay shop and will be buying some when I can afford it! XxxX

  8. Hi there, this is my first time at your wonderful blog and won't be my last! :) You have beautiful vintage patterns! I love them all! Would love if you'd stop by my blog sometime too! I'm going to look around a bit more here, have a lovely rest of the week!

  9. See you (and your lovely fabrics!) tomorrow, Donna,
    REALLY looking forward to the day,
    Niki x


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