
Monday, April 02, 2012

Sewing Room - Homespun Style

Another month has whizzed by and here we are in April, my favourite month. It's Spring and the time for renewal, rebirth and regeneration.  This must be why I am frantically cleaning up the house, sorting out paperwork that has lain in piles for months, sorting through bags of clothing and sending things off to the charity shops. 

This wonderful book came through my letterbox last month and I have been poring over the pages ever since.  Homespun Style by Selina Lake.

I love Selina's previous books, Bazaar Style and Romantic Style, and this new one is just as delightful. 

It is full of colour, shabby, well worn furniture, cosy spaces and inspirational interiors. The styling is just delicious and I love almost every page.  I look at the book all the time and find new little bits of inspiration every time!

This yellow just sang out to me!

Do you remember my pledge to make myself a workroom so that I no longer have to sew at the Kitchen table?  Well slowly the space has been taking shape and Selina's book came along at just the right time!

Using pieces of furniture I already had, with some wallpapers collected over time, long since discontinued paint from Cath Kidston and some new work surfaces and trestle legs from Ikea, things are starting to come together.

It's a work-in-progress but here is a little preview:

My wooden crates used to look like this

Using some of my wallpapers 

They now look like this

Just waiting to be filled with lovely piles of fabric!

I had an old wooden cabinet that was given to me. 

It was dark and a bit smelly before (I think the previous owners used to smoke and this was lingering!)

Using a favourite yellow plate for inspiration I had some paint mixed up

and painted the cabinet until it looked like this

I added a new glass handle and some vintage wallpaper in the back to give it a fresh new look - Homespun Style!

It is the perfect place for my DAB radio and my Barsony lamp!

Next I had some work surfaces made using the cheap and cheerful Ikea wooden surfaces and their trestle table legs

Then I turned my attention to the next 2 pieces of furniture, a dresser, which I had previously painted grey, and another shelving unit  with little drawers

I have painted the shelves pink, an old Cath Kidston furniture paint, and the dresser  I started to paint blue

Now here's the thing.  I'm not sure if I like the blue.  Actually I do like the blue, but I'm not sure about it next to the pink, and with the yellow cabinet opposite I am a bit scared that it is now too much.  

What do you think?

I'm starting to think that I would prefer to paint it a chalky white (Annie Sloan) and rub it back to expose bits of blue and grey.  The back is going to be a patchwork of wallpapers.

I have fixed an old printers drawer to the wall and filled it with cotton reels

An old unit that was standing upright in  my study now lies on its side and has been given the wallpaper treatment. It just needs to be filled with fabrics and maybe some castors on the bottom?

I have stacked my yarns in one of my crates

Which might help me to find the wool and finish one of these 3 blankets that I  currently have on the go!

I have a new inspiration board just waiting to be filled!

So, as you can see, I have been very much inspired by Selina and her lovely new book and am really enjoying putting this personal space together for myself, a place where I can go and create knowing that I can leave my mess out when it comes to dinnertime!!!

Watch this space, I shall keep you updated with developments.


  1. What wonderful transformations!! I particularly love the yellow one - maainly because I would never choose yellow - but that with the style of the unit and the wallpaper you have added just makes it look divine!! I personally think maybe a paler colour on the dresser - maybe it over powers the pink a bit???

  2. Love the transformation of your work room, it is lovely to have your own space to work in. The little yellow cabinet looks stunning, and the vintage wallpaper inside just finishes the look.
    Jo xx

  3. Wow! Your work space looks amazing! I just love your glass fronted cupboard. how exciting x

  4. love the yellow...although it sells so well I'm really pleased to be coming out of French Grey and into some vibrant colour- far more "me".

    I particularly like the book photo of the Egg Chair covered with a crochet throw; a real object of Ironic Chic!


  5. Gosh, I feel totally inspired after reading your post! I love what you have achieved and when I am moved into my new home, feel I could perhaps be brave to give some of my furniture a makeover. Thank you. Sue x

  6. Divine, simply divine.

    I too am hoping to get spring cleaning and sorting this week, but so far I've only managed to watch you doing yours!

  7. I have just found your blog and I am loving your furniture makeovers. Especially I like the wooden crates with the wallpaper, what a great idea to add colour to the room while keeping the original wood texture.

  8. I've just hopped over to your blog and had to tell you how wonderful your makeovers are!! I especially love the yellow cabinet - gorgeous! I'm a big fan of colours so all three look fabulous to me.

    Heather x

  9. It looks fantastic. Oh, how I would love a space like that!

  10. Doona that was such a lovely post and I could quite happily live in your workroom (unlike my own!). Love the blue and think it will sit happily once it has its wallpaper on.

    Enjoy the holidays lovely lady xx

  11. Hi Donna, I have been watching the transformation on facebook as you know, it's all looking gorgeous! Love the crates.....I quite like the blue too, but get what you mean...tricky one.....x

  12. Woweeee so glad I have just found your beautiful colourful blog, so much up my street with all your lovely photos. I just bought myself the Selina Lake book too - isn't it fab! Your new studio looks fantastic too as do all your furniture makeovers, I really love the pink and blue paintwork together, and your amazing yarn stash ;) Jenny x

  13. I love your wooden crates - don't fill them with fabric they look just great as they are! I have kicked myself so many times for not buying a printer drawer at the car boot last month...although I'm not sure my thread collection is quite as lovely looking as yours! Can't wait to see what comes next!

  14. great work, inspiring!

  15. so gorgeous, I love the colours all together, so wish I could fit in such an amazing space....enjoy it x

  16. What a fabulous room this is going to be to work in! My heart syas keep all the painted colours as they are - they look delicious. My head distressed off-white here and there would pull it all together. (But I do love a bit of colour!)

    There does seem to be quite a bit of re-furb going on around the blogs this spring, doesn't there? We 'did' our downstairs rooms - not many, we live in a smallish cottage - but it has made me feel all the better for it. Perhaps I should have a go at my sewing room.......

  17. Redwood House3:40 PM GMT

    Hi Donna, I am just getting back in to blogging after a couple of years away, I have been stocking up with your wonderul fabrics from the Vintage and Handmades at Chipping Sodbury usually served by your lovely mum over this time & now feel I would like to have another 'go' at blog land. Love your workroom makes me want to tidy mine.
    Jan (Redwood House)

  18. Thanks for giving us a peek at your furniture pieces in progress. Look forward to seeing how it all comes together. Love those crates with the wallpaper pieces in them ... fabulous!! Trudy

  19. Hi Donna,
    You were missed on Sunday... Particularly by a lovely gentleman called Peter...But I can see you've been busy...

    Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday...I shall have my Mum with me this time too! :)

    Love Niki xx


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