
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Pretty Nostalgic

I just want to write a little about this gorgeous new magazine that plopped onto my doormat this week.  

I met the lovely ladies behind Pretty Nostalgic at the last Vintage and Handmade Fair in Chipping Sodbury where they were selling their book and subscriptions to the new magazine.  Based on the look of the book and after talking to  them about the  ideas behind, and the ethos of, the magazine I was happy to sign up.  

Well a few months later here is Issue 1 and it did not disappoint!

The magazine is more like a book in quality and is stuffed full of beautiful photos and ideas and not pages and pages of ads! I love the fact that this magazine is supporting British based companies and small businesses.

Of course this haberdashery page was a great favourite of mine!

I loved the article about Camp in My Garden and,  after reading this, really want to do this with my children this year.  I think a bell tent purchase may well be on the cards for this summer!!!

Then there was the lovely surprise of seeing my friend Niki's gorgeous face peering out from the pages at me.  Beautiful photos and a great article about her shop Nostalgia at No1.  Very fitting that the Queen of Nostalgia herself should be in this publication!

Great articles about organising a street party which is very useful considering the celebrations  and reasons to glad we are British this year.  I am always up for a party and was amused to read  the suggestions for party games.

All in all Pretty Nostalgia is a great magazine, really classy and although more expensive than your average magazine is well worth the extra.

I can't wait for Issue 2!


  1. Aw I'm ever so dissapointed as mine hasn't arrived yet, I've even sent them as e mail asking where it is but sadly they havn't replied to me, not a good start. On a brighter note it does look a good magazine and I shall look forward to reading mine when it does eventually arrive, Lucey x

  2. Oh I'll look out for this, it looks fabulous

  3. That looks great, thanks for sharing. How can I get one?? xx

  4. Nicole is a friend of mine, and have you seen their Book, which was published earlier on this year?

  5. Yes Claire the book is mentioned several times in this blog post ;-)

  6. Hi Donna,
    Thanks for the mention on this post - It was lovely to be included in the first issue of Pretty Nostalgic. I agree with you that its more of a book than a magazine...refreshingly different from the glossy mags too that often promote spending a fortune on furnishing our homes.
    Looking forward to issue 2 - I helped on a photo shoot for it yesterday! ;-))
    Niki xx


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