
Friday, July 06, 2012

Country House Vintage Fair

Thank you to all of you who came to the Country House Vintage Fair at Castle Hill last Sunday. We were so lucky with the weather and with over 2,000 visitors through the door it was just as well that we had some of the best vintage dealers in the South West in attendance! 

What a wonderful day.

Here are some pictures  that I took whilst we were setting up.

There will be others later in the year and that is my last fair now until September, so I get to take the Summer off.

Do you remember this?

The contents of the clearout were sold on ebay and I made enough money for a pair of these.

AND, they were in the sale!!  Oh happy day.


  1. how wonderful the whole fair looks a real delight ;0) love all the vintage treasures... x

  2. Oooh, I love vintage fairs! Loads of loveliness all in one place ... I'm in love with the rosy chest of drawers and the pile of suitcases. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Claire xxx

  3. Looks like it was a wonderful fair, wish I could have made it. I was down in Devon staying with my Mum but unfortunately we were busy Sunday! Love the brogues...absolutely gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend.
    Jo xx

  4. Hi, looks like my kind of place! Ada :)

  5. oh my...I've just lived and died in my brogues, they're worth ALL the eBay listings and more...trouble is they're sooooooooo comfy and go with everything (including jim-jams!) you'll never get back into heels again!

  6. I can see so many things I want! Looks like a great event

  7. Hi Donna, the fair looks fab, did you sell the house tea cosy? I've been after one like that for a while? Flss xxxx

  8. looks like it was a good day and the wether was on your side despite the weather warnings of today!
    was the fair a success for you? seel lots?
    loving the shoes by the way!

  9. Great shoes Donna! - and some stunning photos of a fab day. x

  10. Anonymous8:01 PM GMT

    love your shoes mrs xxxxx

    LOVE MRS Scoops

  11. Hi Donna,
    Sorry we didn't make it in the was our granddaughter's 1st Birthday Party on the same day, so that had to come first...

    Hope you had a successful day,
    Love Niki x

  12. Hello Donna,
    I have just found your comment in my spam box, don't know why it got there.... thank you for your kind words, I am so enjoying making the hexy quit, and its so much easier than I thought it would be.
    I hope the fair went well and those shoes are gorgeous :-) Hope to meet up soon, take care
    Love Sophie xx

  13. Oh happy day indeed, what beauties


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