
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Talent for Textiles Spring Fair

Well the car is all loaded up and ready for the Talent for Textiles fair tomorrow.  This is held at the Meeting House, Ilminster, Somerset.  9.30 am to 4pm.

Lots of lovely stallholders bringing the best fabrics, textiles, quilts, clothing and haberdashery items.  The Meeting House also does the most delicious food and Ilminster town is great for a vintage rummage. 

Here is a little taster of what I am bringing.

Hope to see you there x


  1. wow that some amazing fabric! i really wish i could be there. good luck. x

  2. You have some wonderful fabrics here, hope you have a great day at the Fair, it sounds like heaven!
    Gill xx

  3. Hope to see you there if I can persuade my children along!!

  4. Doña it all looks fantastic, wish I lived closer! I received your parcel and popped a link on my Facebook page, not used it yet, still swooning and stroking it, usual practice for me! Hope the fair goes well! :) x

  5. Probably a good job I don't live closer or I'd be broke. The wallpaper is gorgeous. Hope the fair goes well ... Sarah x

  6. Nice architecture and creative fabrics, depicts culture :) They are georgeous.


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