
Friday, May 10, 2013

Pinterest UK

Today's post is about Pinterest.   Pinterest UK has just been launched and when I was asked to be part of their Pin it Forward campaign, which you can read about here, I was more than happy to.

Some of you may already know about Pinterest and are happily using it but for those of you who don't know what Pinterest is all about let me tell you why, and how, I use it.

Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing  things   that you see and love when browsing the internet.  Just like a scrap book or tear sheet, you can literally pin your favourite things, or images that inspire you, to virtual pin boards for you to keep safe.  You create your own boards based on what interests you, such as food, fashion, decor, favourite places etc., and organise your pins accordingly.  When you need to find them again they are safely there on your board. How many times have you seen something on the net and thought 'oooooh that's lovely' and then forgotten where you found it?

For example I have a board called Vintage Fabric and Haberdashery (naturally!).  I pin fabrics and haberdashery I have in my collection, fabric I would like to have, designs that inspire me, and also invite others to add pins to this board.

 I pin my favourite shoes and clothes that I may buy later in the season.

You can also follow other pinners and repin any of their pins that may be of interest to you.  Some of my favourite pinners are Deborah Beau who's pins are just wonderful,  I could happily repin every one of them, Histoire de Mode who pins the most amazing vintage fashions, Agnés Brun, who pins the weird and wonderful and the lovely Pomme de Jour for fab retro pins.

I also see Pinterest as a way of showcasing  who I am, what I like and what inspires me.  My boards are very 'me'.  You can see and follow my boards here.

So, if I have inspired you to have a go and join in the Pinterest fun you can sign up here.

A word of warning though, it's addictive!

Pin It Forward UK 2013


  1. Oh my it looks fabby but do I really have the time for another online addiction??? ... Sarah x

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM GMT

    Hi Donna,

    We are so happy to have you participating in Pin it Forward UK. I love that you've shared some images of your personal fashion style-- its always so interesting to get a glimpse of artists fashion sense. Your vintage fashion favorites are classic. You have a distinct style /aesthetic!

    Anyway, it was a pleasure working with you.

    Community Coordinator @ Pinterest

  3. Pinterest is very nice site for images to make them publicly famous. I love your wontage fashion.

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