
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Country Fair Daze

Lisa's Stall

Lisa and Alf give it the thumbs up

Alf being a Ninja in front of Lisa's stall!!!!

Oh I am finding it hard to make time for blogging. Everybody wants a piece of me and by the time they are all asleep I am too knackered to think straight.

So, what have I been up to? Went to the North Devon Show with the kids. I met lots of people that I know as well as my Dad and his wife. Alfie acted like a prize twit just to embarrass me. He and Jasmine rowed the whole time. It's sooo humiliating. Saw Lisa and her gorgeous stall. She did well and sold lots of stuff. I felt quite envious of her as I miss being able to make things. I look forward to having that time again. I bought a few bits from her as well as some delicious produce from the food hall.

I got 3 great books through the post, one from ebay and the others from Amazon. They are all by Janet Bolton who I did a course with last year. She does the most gorgeous naive applique and I felt really honoured to have been taught by her. I want to do more of this type of work and think that the next project will be a sampler for Lizzie's room. Having leafed through the books I am raring to go.

Alas no time for such pleasures and today saw me cleaning out my fridge. I don't like housework, I do enough to get by and the house always looks clean enough, but think Kim and Aggie would have had a fit if they had put their noses into my fridge. The last time I cleaned it was when we moved in 18 months ago!!!!!!! There were things in the bottom that I didn't recognise. It was a job well done and once I had thrown out all the mouldy and decaying matter I realised that I needed to buy food as the shelves were now empty. So off to Sainsbury's we went, me and the three sprogs, another recipe for disaster! More public displays of humiliation for me as Alf and Jazz argue and hit each other around the store. Jeez I could have cried. I know I will laugh about this one day. Now where's that bottle of wine, sigh....................


  1. Jeez woman I am a domesticated slut but even I clean my fridge more often than every 18 months! Show looked great, Lisas stall looked great but man is that a spooky photo of Lisa you took or what? ciao bella

  2. oh poor you! i bet you are dying for school to start. i only have two weeks left, yay! funny, i seem to remember mum getting excited by the beginning of school year now... hmmm.

    lisa's stall looks amazing. i really miss those kinds of places - there's nothing like that around here. they do a christmas fair here at the local church, but it's all the same crap, on every stall. however, it is where i bought mum's enamal soap dish, so i can't complain.

    i know what you mean about fridges - i keep looking at mine and thinking about cleaning it, but i hate cleaning fridges - they don't make it easy at all. i also can't find any cleaning stuff specifically for fridges, though i know you can use bicarb of soda.

    hey ho.


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