
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

roll away the stone

A sea view. From our garden

Heeeeeey I have lost a stone! I am so pleased with myself. I have never lost the baby weight so quickly and being over forty I knew it wouldn't just fall off. So with a little help from Weight Watchers I am getting close to target. Jasmine finds the whole thing funny as she has been to meetings with me in the last few weeks. She pointed out that I am the youngest and thinnest in the class. But I don't care about weight actually, what I care about is fitting into the 2 wardrobes full of fab clothes in my possession. Once I do that comfortably then I am the right weight as far as I am concerned. I do not own scales and will never have them in the house. I go by the fit. I'm almost there. I celebrated by having a slice of cappuccino cake :-)

It's the North Devon Show tomorrow. My friend Lisa has a stall and has given me a free ticket. I will take the kids to see the animals and then hot foot it to the craft tent to spend the entrance money on goodies. From Lisa's stall no doubt!


  1. cappucino cake? is this a new invention that I am missing? I celebrated 40 olympic lengths with 40 chocolate eclairs,YUM

  2. don't worry it's a chocolate ciggie,so much better for you.....

  3. As for that Titch she's a natural. Do you see the way she's pretending to cry in yesterdays blog???

  4. take photos of the stall! i think i'm handbag crazy.

    by the way, look at my latest livejournal entry for my tale of woe, about my toe.

    hey, that rhymed.

  5. hey, i meant to say congrats on the weight loss! that's really good going :)


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