
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mr Rubbish Bin Head!

Holly and Alfie in their swimmers

Alfie went to his (free) Holiday Fun Club yesterday and today. It is run by the Church and is held in the Village Hall. Now I don't usually 'do' religion due to a traumatic brush with it in childhood, but loads of his friends were going and he goes to a church school anyway and quite frankly I'm desperate. The Moonies could take him for all I care! A bit of religion might do the boy some good, put the fear of God into him. He came home very happy and told us all about Mr Rubbish Bin Head who swears and you musn't swear (I quite agree) . Later that evening when Paul said 'bloody' Alfie told him off severely and when Paul laughed he said "I'm serious Dad". Cool, it's working. He is there for 2 hours every day this week, oh joy.

Our friends Lisa and Conrad came over for the afternoon with their daughter Holly (who is Alfie's number 1 girlfriend). Lisa brought back the props she had borrowed for the North Devon Show. She gave me a gorgeous pink enamel jug she had bought me on holiday. We spent a lovely afternoon together and they stayed for a chinese take-away and drinks. Lisa and I laughed so much our sides hurt and we were crying. It must have been the wine. I know I spoke a lot a crap, whoops I had better be careful Alfie and Mr Rubbish Bin Head will be after me!

1 comment:

  1. I think one should embrace any religion that offers free, local childcare for a week and if it helps improve his swearing all the better :-)


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