
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Rick Stein's for supper

Right, we're off. Just got to throw the last few things into a bag and that's it, Cornwall here we come. 1.5 hours down the road. No long distance for us this year, no airport delays, baggage handling or jet lag just a quick saunter down the A39 and Bob's your uncle, hahahaha. Can't wait to get there and unwind. It's been a hell of a week I can tell you and I am soo ready for a break. Rick Stein's for a fish and chip supper? I'll let you know all about it when I get home.

Enjoy the last week of the hols. Just think it will soon be over and our little darlings will be back in the loving care of the LEA, God bless them! Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. but wait, you can't go without seeing Jude Laws willy????


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