
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mirror mirror on the wall

Good bootsale today, weather was warm. Got lots of sweet clothes for L, some toys for A, a bit of fabric, bag handles and some vintage glove stretchers for me and a mirror for our new lounge. Check out the photo. It is very gold at the moment, once I have shabby chic'd it up it will look heaps better. I have already given it a coat of paint, watch this space for the 'after' picture.

I have sold lots of maternity clothes this week and next week I intend to sell some clothes that are still great but I no longer wear, hopefully to make some room in my wardrobe and some cash in my pocket for this season's goodies. I am high maintenance and, now I have decided on a haircut to go with the colour, I am needing some extra cash. you can check out my goodies on ebay seller name shabbychicflower, shameless advertising I know but if it's good enough for Tats :-)


  1. When you getting your haircut?

  2. I think I might get my coloured, it's lacking the omph... oh I'm back :-)

  3. I really need to travel just to check out these boot sales you and hippo keep talking about. Cool mirror!! Can't wait to see the 'after' pic.

  4. Help, can't see it


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