
Thursday, October 06, 2005

New hair

I've got new hair! I love it. I am so pleased that it went according to plan and I didn't end up looking like an extra from Henry V. I really wanted to go the whole hog and have it dark which would be much more dramatic but as I haven't had a skin test they wouldn't do an all over colour in case I sue them if I get a reaction. No amount of pleading would sway them and although I understand that, in these days of litigation, it is necessary to protect themselves I was a little disappointed. I have now had the required skin test and will get it dyed dark chocolate brown next time. The stylists were amazed that I had chosen the style and colour as they had recently returned from London where Toni and Guy unveiled their new season's styles and dark bobs are in. They said that it takes a while for things to filter down this way so, once again, I, a humble 'farmhouse kitchen wife' (as P called me!) am cutting edge, hehehehe


  1. From Trac and Tat.....

    Ohhhh La La

  2. I love it!!! Very chic!!!!!

  3. Dark bobs are in? Youpi, that's me in fashion, probably for the first time ever!


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