
Friday, January 27, 2006

Great Life

I wrote the previous post last night when very tired but blogger wasn't playing so I posted it this morning. In the cold (and it is) light of day I realise that it's a bit moany. Last night in bed, which had little pockets of cold, I realised that there were people sleeping rough and here I was warm and cosy in my bed with my man and my babies. What have I got to moan about? I have a great life.

.............................. Now where's that hoover?


  1. a moan is a good as a rest.

    actually, the main reason i don't write a blog is that i would probably find something to moan about every day, so then i normally end up talking about the weather. i don't think anyone wants to hear about the weather in colorado.

  2. I think no matter what you've got you're still allowed to have a moan every now and then Dons, it's allowed.... Yes Fab Fabrics Dons, how's the larder looking, well I mean the spare room, it's that big|

  3. I think it's prob just something temp like a virus, hope, i am not worrying i have too much to think about at this time and don't want to lose my excitment over lily and agathe by thinking of such things. My hair is long but did you notice i forgot to put my mascara on, i just had the white base coat on dahhhhhh, my husband never seems to notice that! Speaking of which don't let yours
    throw anything away, make a note of it all and guard the bins, he just doesn't get it!

  4. One needs a good grump every so often, nothing to feel bad about. I am being sorely tempted by your fabrics though. And I want your pantry. :)

  5. I agree with those who hace said that moaning is allowed. It's good for the health, better than hitting the bottle or kicking the cat or worse....


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