
Sunday, January 29, 2006

Musical Interlude

Maybe it's the time of year but I have been clearing out cupboards, throwing away clothes and listening to a lot of old music. I got the box set of The Cocteau Twins 'From Lullabies to Violaine' for Xmas and listening to it whilst listing my fabrics on ebay had me feeling all wistful and wondering what had happened to my youth! Last night Mum and I watched 100 greatest pop videos. Mostly it was great and reacquainted me with music I hadn't heard in a long time and gave great facts about making the videos that I never knew. For example Bjork was running a fever and was really unwell with no voice when she shot 'It's oh so quiet' and the unknown Sadie Frost appeared in Pulp's 'Common People' video (she was the posh totty). I loved seeing Talking Heads 'Once in a lifetime', Johnny Cash's 'Hurt' (so powerful) and Ultravox's 'Vienna' (such memories). We knew that we would hate most of the videos in the top 10 and as the program finished at 1.15pm we thought we would go to bed before so as not to get wound up but of course we didn't and the top 10 was filled with Queen, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Robbie Williams and A-ha with the bloody awful 'Thriller' as number 1. It was great seeing the brilliant Fatboy Slim's 'Praise you' (pure genius) and 'Weapon of Choice'. Bjork had a few entries which made me go and dig out some of my old cd's of hers to listen to this morning. That led me on to uploading some tracks onto my ipod. My ipod was a wonderful Xmas present. I have a huge amount of music on there and can just plug it into my car stereo. This is great, it means no more having to make compilations tapes, no more cassettes and cases all over the car floor and a great clarity of sound as it comes directly from my computer. It is so tiny it fits into my handbag and often I cannot see it in there because it is so small! Ain't technology great?

P.S I bought the Arctic Monkeys yesterday, haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but I was disappointed in the Richard Ashcroft I bought earlier in the week. I adore that mans voice but this album is dirgy and depressing.


  1. oh me me me, I want an ipod too.... I can't watch, see or listen to Hurt without welling up! Very powerful,I agree totalamente with trac.I want to hear the new babyshambles, I want to hear a babyshambles. I am soo loving my Madonna cd. Can't wait to see you.....

  2. i'm sure you know that hurt is orignially a nine inch nails song?

    and we have that bjork picture on our wall - when the little one saw it, she thought it was michael jackson! lol.

  3. ipods are SO cool. We plug ours into the car too and have a never ending supply of music. Also, have you started downloading pod casts! The coolest thing.

    Have to admit not familiar with Johnny Cash's Hurt but intend to go and see 'walk the line' when it comes to these parts.

  4. Ohh I am big Bjork fan too, just love her, she is the right side of crazy !

  5. I love Bjork too, you've got great taste in music.

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