
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Face Lift

Well as you can see I have had cosmetic surgery, a face lift, and don't I look better for it? I wish I could say it was all my own work but sadly I am a technoklutz, I haven't a clue how all this came together. No It is the work of the wonderful, and aptly named, something so clever or Ali as she is known to me. There is no end to this girls talents I tell ya! I have always admired the beautiful blog styles of Hippo, Leon, Antipo and Wendy and always wanted to jazz mine up a little but just didn't have the knowledge. The lovely Ali came to my rescue and with a little chat on MSN and a few emails she came up with a blog to be proud of. Thank you Ali, you are a star.


  1. OK OK you flipping well win best blog of the century....bah humbug...... It's great girlfriend and lovely to see me up there in the gallery... That photo of P always has me tittering, it's hysterical and the funny thing is he thinks he looks great.... Brill face lift :-)

  2. Sweetie, it all looks so fabulous - what fun!

  3. Wow, it looks fab! Not sure about Antipo's boobs so close though! haha Wonder SHE thinks of that!

    I like the 'currently listening' thing!

  4. Donna - A big round of applause to Ali. I only know you via your blog but it seems to me that Ali has really captured 'your style', it's really you.

    Am I right ?

  5. It looks really great! I love the new look!

  6. Thanks for all your lovely and positive comments on the new look. i will make sure Ali gets to hear them. you are right Pauline, she absolutely has me down to a T. She also only knows me from my blog but is obviously a good people person amd has picked up on all my favourite things with very little direction from me. I can highly recommend her :-)

  7. Wow! It's amazing what can be done.

    You know, I was having a good day until I checked out your blog, now I feel all inadequate because your blog is brilliant, you look fantastic, your daughter is so sweet to you. I could go on but I won't.

    I had a good birthday, though thanks.

    Have a lovely day.

  8. Absolutely fantastic blog. It is lovely and I like the fact that you are reading about 1940s fabrics - they are fab. The photos are brilliant too. You two look gorgeous in the previous post - it's so unfair! lovely stuff.

  9. You are welcome Don. :o)Thank you for such nice words.

  10. My boobs are still in shock at the new exposure. They will get over it though, and will be available to sign autographs eventually.

    The rest of your new look is just delicious Dons! Truly good enough to eat!

  11. Loving the new look blog Dons, looking smashing. the thought of chickens in nappies is making me laugh. Hope you're well.


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