
Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Mummy's Day

It's my mummy's (and my best friend's) day today so I've made my way into her blog to tell you why I love her!!

10 Reasons why i love my mummy by Jazz

1. She wears converse (nuff said)
2. She lets me live my life instead of telling me what not to do all the time
3. I can tell her EVERYTHING because she doesn’t have a go at me or judge me and she always make things better
4. She gives me lifts everywhere even if she really doesn’t want to
5. I can trust her with my life and biggest secrets
6. We share the same music taste
7. We have the best arguments cos neither of us will back down! and we always make friends 10 minutes later
8. She lets me bring loads of mates (and smelly boys) back home and cooks and goes supermarket shopping for us
9. She lets me have fun, and go to as many parties and stay up all night getting drunk and just shake her head instead of being cross!
10. Well..what can I say she always looks immaculate and she’s perfect, I love her because she will always love me

Happy Mothers Day Mum, I love you so much xxx never change


  1. Brought tears to my eyes :o}

    Hey, Dons, don't forget to change my photo - hahaha

  2. Sorry, me again. Just noticed your lovely links, Sweetie. I can see them now and they're fab!

  3. That is too sweet!!!! Don, would you adopt me? ;-)

  4. How great. I hope you've been looking at this a lot and feeling smug.

    What a gorgeous pic. of both of you.

    Hope you had a lovely Mothers day and 1st Birthday.

    Blog is looking way cool too.

  5. I am so flattered by this list. What a lovely daughter and for once I don't mind my blog being hijacked (how could I?) unlike the time Paul did it :-/

    I think I have a wonderful daughter. I mean who else gets polka dot knickers and Top Shop vouchers for Mother's Day?

  6. Oh that so lovely of Jazz..... I hope yesterday was wonderful for you all..... Please tell me how to do that thing with the photos or is it going to be a heavily guarded secret?

  7. What great children you have Dons! You are blessed! So are they!

    Hope you are feeling better now and that your illness was short lived.

    PS: Great links

  8. What a pair of hot young chicks! I don't see any mothers in that photo!

  9. you're both very lucky :)

  10. Hey you, I did yours by pasteing what Max wrote, I tried to change the shabbychicflower for Tracys and it wouldn't work! Nothing works, I don't understand that, why did he put shabbychicflower on the link?

    I don't get it....

  11. Ok Dons, tonight I shall have more alcohol at your suggestion :-) just warming up for Trac... Wish you were here for my launch day, sigh... All sounds so glamorous but it's not..Had to change the day as my web designer was busy on my launch day! My god, the cheek.....

  12. Donna, re your blog roll photos: my bosoms thank you. True fame and glory await!

  13. I want you to be my Mum too...

  14. oooooh its lush!! i love it =) (love jazz and Bibs) xxx

  15. What a great mum you must be to have such a wonderful (and beautiful) daughter. You must both be very proud of each other. :o)


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