
Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm singing

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!

Why? Cos I only went and found my bloody ipod that's why!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO.

I'm embarrassed to say that it was in my handbag all the time. It was hidden under a false bottom along with my cheque book. Even though I completely emptied my bag the darned thing is so tiny it was tucked neatly under the flap. Oh I don't care how silly I look, it's back. I'm off to update.

Oh my ipod's back and there's gonna be a party, hey la hey la, my ipod's back. All together now..........


  1. Glory be and halleluiah!! The prodigal iPod has returned :o}

    Hey Dons - guess who has sent her first email ever - to me? Yup, Ronnie, that's who. I've sent her some of the albums you have stored with Truprint but they're really old now - I need more Sweetie xxxx

  2. yayayay!!! that's great news :) :) :)

  3. Well praise be you daft cow...there all the time, right under your nose, you must have been so happy, must be happy...

  4. Oh, that is SO SO brilliant Dons. I'm so pleased for you! God, I can imagine how happy you now feel!

    Don't go sticking it in any bottoms now do you hear?

  5. Hoorah! And such a cute pink one too!

  6. Opps well the good thing is that you found it but is times like this that you feel like a real fool.

    BTW I have ordered the ironing board cover but have had it delivered to my Mum's. We will be with her at Easter and I shall pick it up then.

    I didn't get it delivered to my home in France, because the delivery was nearly as expensive as the cover. Silly !

  7. Oh wonderful, it was such a horrid thing to lose. Now, you'll always know where it is from now on, won't you ;)


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