
Friday, March 17, 2006


Just to clarify what these gorgeous fabrics are for and to let you have a sneak peek at some of the prettiest ones I have found so far.

I have been given these fabrics to sell on behalf of someone who does not have the time or expertise to do it. I have been headhunted. I sell them for this person and we split the proceeds 50/50 after costs. I can't see how I could possibly lose on this one. I put in a lot of hard work but all the sourcing that I had to do, which is extremely time-consuming, will be taken away as I have a never-ending supply. He said that I probably wouldn't live long enough to sell all the fabric he has, although he hopes I do!

These fabrics are from France, dating from the 1880's right up to the 1940's and are in fact museum pieces. They all come in very old sample books with the dates neatly penned in on the front. They are all small pieces so not big enough to make anything bigger than cushion panels with really so I am not sure what they would be used for but us fabricaholics are funny people. Sometimes we like to have a fabric tucked away in a drawer to be brought out and stroked from time-to-time before being put away again! Someone might like to frame them, who knows? They have been selling well so far so I know this will be a success.

Here is a selection of delicious designs.


  1. Oh my god Dons! I'm coming again to look at those fabrics - we had time to only peep at what you had - what a treasure trove ~(:o})=

  2. Wow they are absolutely lovely Dons! Lucky you. You must be in fabric heaven - and you haven't written your funeral!

  3. Hahahaha, funny gambling woman, fab fabs :-)

  4. Oh blimey, I can feel my bank balance draining away just looking at them!


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