
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well my meeting went well yesterday. The fabric man he came, he went and he left me with a huge amount of fabric which I am in danger of drowning under. Paul is already making noises about having to reinforce the ceiling, hehehe!

I have many bags (too many to get in one photo), in each bag is many rolls of samples and in each roll is many fabrics. These fabrics date from the 1800's up to the 1940's and were bought at an auction in Paris. They are beautiful, so many different designs. Some look very contemporary and wouldn't look out of place in Habitat or Heals. It just goes to show how nothing is really original. We have been taking ideas/inspiration from history.

I must be off. I have a lot to sort out and sift through. There are sateens, moires, popelines, cretonnes and velvet flocks to tend to.

Ciaou Bellas


  1. How absolutely fantastic wonderful exciting! I am sooooo jealous. Have a fab time!

  2. Wow - these fabrics look amazing. I really want to look in those bags. The bottom ones are really gorgeous.

  3. What are you going to be doing with all that ?

    Are you planning on making lots of lovely things, or selling the fabric as it is ?

  4. Those are beautiful fabrics!!! Has one imagining old period Harlequins and Gone with the Wind. If I come over there will you make me a big, beautiful period dress with those? lol

    You must show us whatever you do with that fabric!

  5. Yes, my question has been asked. Just what are you going to do with all that? Are you going to sell them and split proceeds with this guy?

    They look wonderful. Museum pieces surely?

  6. I am also drooling over this wonderful haul of textile wonders...and you are right, there is nothing new under the sun - artists etc have been 'borrowing' from others since the first cave man picked up a stick of charcoal.

  7. MMMMmmmmm yummy, 40's? did I hear you say 40's?.... Any news on that ipod?


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