
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Johnny Marr

I'm fed up. I feel like I am coming down with a bad cold again, I'm tired, all my baby wants to do is feed feed feed and I need some space, oh and I'm premenstrual. It didn't help that I stayed up late drinking wine with my friend Nina last night. I'm off to bed.


  1. Hahaha, only yesterday I was going to leave a Johny Marr comment, bet me to it hahahaha

  2. Cheer up chicken, she's almost 1 you can get her off the breast now if you want :-)

  3. Yep, I was just waiting until I was fed up!

    Any tips on stopping bf greatly received. I bought her a bottle and some milk. Nose turned up at both so far!!!

  4. Hey Sweetie
    Sorry you're feeling poorly :o{
    As regards the ending of the breast feeding malarky, well I'm volunteering to spend a few nights at your place, sleeping with her while you "dry out". It'll be a done deal then. Lets set a date - after the birthdays probably?
    Get well soon darling xxxx

  5. Oh Dons,
    I've just read your comments on Tat's blog saying that you're going to take it slowly with getting Lizzy off the breast and here I am suggesting that you and she go "cold turkey"! I hope you don't think I'm interfering??

  6. Well to be honest that would be my advice as well, sorry but I always gone cold turkey.. it's hard and you'll have knockers to die for, but it works. If you say no then give in and then say no she'll just not understand. You have to set a day, finish, stick to it and she will take the bottle, she'll have to, or the cup....anyway, don't be johhny marr, Tats never far :-)

  7. No Maggs you aren't interfering. I was going to go cold turkey. I meant take it slow introducing the bottle to her. Giving her a few weeks to get used to it :-)

  8. You know I thought I was the only one who thought Johnny Marr sounded like 'I'm fed up' in French. Clearly I was VERY wrong. Did he name himself after that phrase? Or is he really john Marr?

    Good luck with the breast feeding thing. IT's hard with your last baby. I loved breast feeding and was sad to stop. But Alice just stopped herself at about 12 months. (I was lucky) Me, Tat and LEttuce know someone who was still feeding their child at 4!

  9. Did you go to bed feeling Johnny Marr???? fnar fnar....see Tats never really far :-)

  10. Sorry you're feeling rough.

    I hope you get some good rest/relaxation/you time over the weekend and feel better.

    yes, I still miss the breast feeding sometimes. But not when I'm with the friend RW mentioned (and I think it was closer to 5 than 4!!)

  11. You can talk, you've been feeling Johnny marr ;-)

  12. Sorry Max, a bit of a girlie moan blog today :-/

  13. Oh, no take vit C, hot tea with honey and milk, liquids and rest. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. I hope the weaning goes well. I had such problems with the old bf that my baby loved coming off and drinking oodles of milk for once because she'd struggled so much to get anything. Poor thing! She's two by the way. We called them the 'Bromley Knitting Circle' because most of them lived in Bromley and they were always turning their noses up at us rebels! Hee hee. Not saying that all people who live there are snobs though!!

    Hope you're feeling better soon. You've had lots of colds recentlyxxxx

  15. You feeling better now....


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