
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My not so old 'Pops'!

Hmmm yes you've rumbled me girls. The man is indeed only 50 and not really old enough to be my father! He was 9 years younger than my mum when they married and he took my sister and I on. He seemed very much older than his years though, he is an old soul, and was very sensible and strict too!!! Everywhere I went women used to comment on how gorgeous he was, (the dental nurses always flirted with him), and as I got older they used to ask 'Is that your boyfriend?' 'Eeeeeuw no way' I would say, 'He's my dad, he's gross!!" I couldn't see what the fuss was about!

I was too old to call him Daddy and he was too young to be called Dad so we called him Pops as a bit of a joke! He now has 2 of his own children with his gorgeous American born Japanese wife, they are the cutest looking things, but he still considers my sister and I to be an important part of his life.

I couldn't possibly do a family tree or even try to explain my family situation, I simply haven't got the time. It's complicated, and has many branches. More like a family forest, hehehe. Let's leave it at that!


  1. And your the last to see a crypted message when it hits you in the face as well, or not? Dishy dad ?
    I haven't forgotten it's someones big day soon, I'll get a card in the post but need time to think of a good pressie, which I don't have for a while....
    nightie nightie

  2. Beautiful photographs. You all look so lovely.

  3. Crickey woman could you please be a little bit more cyrpted, you would be no good in espionage would you????? :-/

  4. Can you remind me, who's Sophie?
    oh crikey as I wrote that i remembered, Ok no prob, will sort that out for the little Princess..... Btw, does P read your blog, G reads mine whilst in the UK..

  5. hahaha about the family forest! :o}

    Thanx for your comment and encouragement, Dons xxxx

  6. He really does look young.


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