
Monday, March 20, 2006

My old 'Pops'

Well we had a lovely afternoon with my stepfather (Paul). It was so nice to see him and we picked up where we left off 7 years ago. He's looking good and is happy and successful, what more could you ask?

Jasmine loved seeing him and cried when he was about to go, wh
ich surprised us all, (especially her) but she felt very emotional and we agreed that a few hours with him was much nicer than the visits we get from her 'birth grandfather'. Sad isn't it?

Alfie was spectacularly badly behaved as only he can be! I had given him a pep talk before Paul arrived saying that he hadn't met him before so it was important to me that he behaved nicely, and he can when he wants, so that Paul will get a good impression. But he was a prize twit, showing off, shouting etc, ho hum! I don't think Paul minded, he thought what a handsome and bright boy he was. See I told you he was nice!


  1. Yes, Dons, it was great to see him, wasn't it? It was like a breath of fresh air. He is a lovely man. Pity he couldn't have stayed longer. You'll have to get on that plane sweetie!

    BTW it's v strange that you can't link to my blog via my comments.
    Luce was saying that she couldn't get to my blog either. She thought that I had stopped blogging :o{

  2. i like the grip you've got on alfie in that third picture hahahah.

    i agree with mum... get on a bloody plane ;)

  3. He looks just like the photos I've seen of him, glad you had a nice time. I too like that hold you have on Alfie, I can just imagine what your saying under your breath hahaha... bless.... It was necessary for me to see a Man also today, funny now I feel ill....

  4. Hahaha yes I do have a vice like grip on that boy don't I? You can see how stressed I was from my face too!!

  5. i've just been looking at your gorgeous fabrics - glad to see they seem to be selling well!

  6. just how old is your gorgeous step dad? Can't be more than fifty! I'm intrigued by your family! I think we need a family tree Dons for the nosy people out here!

  7. Yes he look so young to be your 'step father'

  8. hahaha this should be interesting, you need to post family pics Donna :-)

  9. Thanks Dons for your comments on my blog. I am feeling quite weepy today and I can't blame it on the time of the month! (Feck) (Drink!)


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