
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Garden of Eden

My little boy has gone on a school trip today to The Eden Project. It's a very exciting trip for him but I miss him already. It's a long way, they left at 8.30 am and don't get back until 5.30pm. I have packed him a ton of food in case he gets hungry and kissed him to death before he left. He's going to have a great time I know but I will be happy when he's back home safe with me. I love that little man of mine.


  1. aww. :) I hope he has lots of fun. :D

  2. Thanks for your comment - I was forced/cajoled/threatened into it.

    As you can tell, from my James Chance screed, I have a tendency to lecture.

  3. I hope he has a lovely time, your little man. I wonder what he will bring back with him. I always loved the packed lunches that your mum made you when you went on a trip because they were always extra special.

    I also love that vintage caravan. My sister would adore it. She sent me a tiny knitted bee, with glittery wings today and a mouse. They were immaculate and very clever. I wish I had a digital camera so that I could show you, because I think you would like them.

    Have a lovely evening when little one gets back.

  4. When I said 'your' mum, I didn't mean yours, I meant mine. Ha ha ha. That sounded funny! Unless we've got the same mum. Tee hee.

  5. We are loving that airstream muchly....lovely pic of the boy....

  6. hee hee Betty - if we were talking about Donna's Mum's packed lunches - well let's just say they were rather emabarrassing - everything was homebaked, including the bread, so nothing looked "normal" or like the other kids' stuff :o{
    Dons, he looks sooo adorable - he gives the best cuddles.

  7. *raises eyebrow @ GOW* LOL

    D - that's a lovely picture of A. you're so lucky that they go off for such long field trips though - M's school brings them back at 2pm!! what are we paying for a again? hehe

  8. What a wonderful mummy you are!

  9. Very very cute little boy. Makes me feel quite broody.

    Thanks for all the nice things you say on my blogs. You are toooo kind.

    Wonderful caravan too.

  10. I remember weaning the twins. Mirren was fine but Asher was awful, he would never take a bottle (he went straight on to cups which is easier in the long run anyway) and I couldn't go anywhere near him for about a fortnight because he was constantly groping in my shirt, ripping off buttons, desparately seeking his comforter! Listening to his screams just meant that what I thought had dried up began to flow once more like a river in flood. Happy times.

    I do wish you luck. Don't rush it though, particularly if this is your last. It's so sad to give up.


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