
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Why do I do it?..........

.........What can it be? There's naughtiness in everyone but twice as much in me!

This is a song from the Peter Rabbit record my sister and I had when we were young. We always sing it after a night on the tiles. Which brings me to this morning. I sit here, dear reader, fuzzy headed, slighty nauseous and very sorry for myself after a night in our bar celebrating my daughters 16th birthday with a bunch of her teenage friends. I did try to stay away and let them get on with it but they all piled in to the living room to watch Green Wing with me and then Jasmine plied me with Harvey Wallbangers and I was done for. I have to say I do enjoy their company. They are funny, sweet, very intense and refreshing to be around, but I really shouldn't get drunk with them, I end up telling them all my secrets!

I have consumed 2 cups of tea, one can of diet coke (yeurch) and fried egg on toast in order to make myself feel normal again. I wish I could go back to bed really. Still I have got the easy end of things today. Pity poor Paul who had to go to bed early as he is taking them all in a mini bus to Alton Towers for the day.They left at 4.30am and when I last spoke to them they were on a hard shoulder with a puncture and had been for hours, poor babies. I'm not sure who I feel most sorry for, Paul stuck in a mini bus with 14 teenagers or the teenagers stuck in a mini bus with Paul having to listen to Sounds of the bloody Sixties on Radio 2!!!!


  1. Poor you, poor Paul, poor them!
    Things can only get better ....

  2. hahahahahha, I feel sorry for the kids! poor you, you'll feel better soon...

  3. Aaah thanks guys. I don't really deserve your sympathy it was all self-induced. Baby has had boozy milk and is sleeping like a log! Mum has arrived and is playing with Alf while I go off for a bath. I usually o to hers on a saturday but i am too ill to leave the house :-/

  4. oooh I remember Harvey Wallbangers! M used to make them a lot, haven't had one for years.

    Hope you are recovered by now...


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