
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A host of golden daffodils

Another gorgeous day here. I have no time to blog just now but here are a couple of photos that I took whilst waiting for the gate to open. The daffodils are in full glory now, very late but beautiful and most welcome!


  1. Beautiful, looks like the gates are opening for me :-)

  2. The gates are always open for you my Tatty one. Mi casa es su casa :-)

  3. Awwwww - that's so sweet :o}
    Fab photos Donna. Can't wait 'till your burpday on Saturday - meet you in the bar?? hee hee

  4. Lovely pics. Looks very like the gate & drive in to the house my parents had in Whimple.

  5. oh thank you, sorry I can't be there for your burpday though, have fun in the bar? pressie left two days ago so with any luck it will arrive on time...

  6. Beautiful photies Dons. The gate with the flowers is just like your heart, always open and bright.

  7. I love these pictures. The daffodils are gorgeous and what a beautiful background with the blue sky, green grass and trees! Totally relaxing and quaint. Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. Those are amazing photos, they look like the sort of thing you would see in a nostalgic movie of childhood, or in a perfect dream. Lovely!


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