
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Les Bicyclettes de Devon

With all this talk of bicycles and my birthday just around the corner I got to thinking that a bicycle might be a good present for me. In a few weeks Jasmine will have left school and I will no longer have to drive miles to pick her up from her school bus. That means all I have to do is get Alfie from the village school which is just down our lane. I also pop to the Post Office almost daily so that could easily be done by bike too. I used to have a beautiful traditional old bike that I used on a daily basis. My boyfriend at that time lovingly restored it for me and painted it bright red. It had a basket on the front and I adored it. One day it got stolen and I have never seen another quite like it. My stepfather bought me a brand new Raleigh but it just wasn't the same. Now I like the look of this bike and if I can find something like it that can have a baby seat on the back then I think I might just start cycling once more. I mean the area round here is so pretty and you can often miss all those wonderful hedgerows as you speed by in the car.

This was the view from our garden yesterday, a beautiful clear sunny day, you can see all the way to Lundy Island

I took the children to see my father yesterday at his new house. He has moved further away from us so it tok almost an hour to get there. He has moved into a gorgeous little cottage with such pretty surroundings and a stream in the garden. I loved the outlook, and his house, but couldn't live so far away from civilisation again. The kids had a great time, the weather was perfect. I love Devon!

And here's one of my Dad with Lizzy.

My friend Lisa came today with her daughter Holly (who Alfie adores). We talked fabric and men (like you do) and then went for coffee and cakes at the place Jazz works (the pink buiding). Jazz is the BEST cappuccino maker in the world, official!


  1. Goodness me it's bike fever alright... great views... great bike...not so great i didn't taste that cappucino made by jazz ..

  2. A lovely post Dons. Oh, I've just spotted that picture of your baby asleep. That's too lovely for words. Your view from your garden is utterly divine. Devon is really beautiful. It must be absolutely fantastic in the summer. It makes me yearn for the sea. I love living in London, but sometimes, being a country girl at heart, I truly miss the air, the sky, the green, the sea.

  3. Look at that lovely blue sea and sky! Well, I'm sure you do, all the time. It makes the pics on the post I've just done look very grey.

    Thats a fab bike. Yes, do it!!! It feels so great. Make sure you get a bike with decent gears tho' - I wasn't too bothered about the gears when we bought mine, but I'm sooo glad its got plenty of them.

    My parents lived near Exeter for quite a while and we spent a lot of time with them. I do miss Devon, its beautiful. Lucky you.

  4. What a great bike Dons! I hope you have told "someone" you'd like it for your birthday, 'cos I've already spent all my pennies :o}

    The pic of your dear Dad isn't the best I've ever seen of him - he's better looking than that, isn't he?

    Lovely pics.

  5. Golly, that's gorgeous scenery. I'm having suburbia-claustrophobia... so it is making me rather wistful... The roads are busy enough around my house that even biking is fraught with risk and makes one feel like you are living-dangerously.

    The daffodils are gorgeous too. Ours are almost past now...

  6. Get a bike - it's the best free fun you can have, and the feeling of freedom is wonderful! I love your dad's cottage, it looks perfect, and gorgeous surroundings!


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