
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Oh joy, today's reason to live. I have just found out that Cadbury's creme Eggs are now going to be in bar form. Anyone who knows me knows I have a fondness (or is that fondantness?) for the Creme Egg, indeed all of my children were cooked to perfection by me consuming large amounts during each pregnancy. That is why they are all so sweet!


  1. Oh my, oh my, oh my. I haven't had chocolate for a week and this is almost too much to bear. I shall just have to lick the computer screen instead. Ew!

  2. Hmmmmm! have to be in the mood for a creme egg, but sometimes it just hits the spot.

    Not very exciting fabric really, just some very 80's Laura Ashley (same as wall paper in our bedroom actually - inherited, not decorated by us!) and some pretty flowery Sandersons.

    You're right, its such a funny stage - truly bitter-sweet.

  3. That looks yummy....

  4. I wonder if that bar could ever be as good as the egg?
    Only one way to find out Sweetie!

  5. Oh dear, I haven't had a creme egg this year...I think you may have led me astray...(hunts for purse and heads for the shop with a greedy glint in her eye).

  6. now there's a reason to return to england ;)

  7. OMG - I LOVE Cadbury chocolate! Since I gave up chocolate for Lent, I'll have to wait until Easter to try this one. Hopefully I can locate it here in the U.S.

  8. Oh My God it's political correctness gone mad. I haven't been this revulsed by the march of progress since Vanilla Flavoured Monster Munch!



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