
Monday, May 08, 2006

Bountiful Baskets

Here are two baskets of fresh produce from our garden. Some asparagus, 5 years in the making and transplanted from our old house, and beautiful fresh eggs that the chickens pop out effortlessly every day. They taste like no other and have the richest orange yolks. Tonight's supper? Aparagus and gruyere quiche, deeeelish!


  1. I'm so jealous! Sparrow grass!

    I didn't like the image that your chickens 'pop' the eggs out. Too graphic Dons. Ewwww. Yes I know where they come from but still....

    Enjoy your quiche.

    How's hopalong? Ready to tell us how he did it?

  2. Oh my, those eggs look wonderful ...hmmm...think I'll just summon my chaffuer driven helicopter and join you for supper...

    It must be the season for broken legs, my friends' done hers too, but she's got a black boot instead of a plaster.

  3. Deeelish! Your pics so remind me of the guest house my parents had in Devon for a while (near Honiton) - they had an asparagus patch, and hens, and lots of fruit and veg.... it was so lovely.

    But how the hell do you find time for it all? you are amazing.

    Hope the invalid isn't driving you nuts.

  4. Yes please tell us exactly how he did it???????

  5. I hope your man is ok. What a bummer.

    Lovely looking eggs and asparagus. I bet you make a mean quiche. I bet it is delicious. If we're not too late, can you take a pic of the quiche?

  6. Yes, Betty, Dons does indeed make a mean quiche. My mouth is watering at the thought, yet I've already eaten my evening meal!

    And those eggs are the best ever :o}

  7. RW - sorry, hope I haven't put you off your eggs ;-)

    Lettuce - I would love to hear more about your parent's place in Devon. Why did they move away?

    Betty - you say the sweetest things. I hope I make a mean quiche, there wasn't a scrap left to photograph, so it must have been quite good. I promise I will snap the next one for you.

    I might tell you all about the broken leg incident if I ever get bored enough! Let's just say it involved alcohol (lots) and silliness (lots). He almost died, no not from his injuries but from the pounding I wanted to give him, grrrrr. I am fed up with being the main taxi driver/everything to everybody!!! It's like having 4 children except one is big and VERY demanding.

  8. Men! He looks very lovely though.

    I love asparagus dipped in egg. Yummy scrummy.

    That baby is grinning at me again. I shall have to go.

  9. Well, they retired "properly" (after spending the first part of their retirement running the guest house, growing all their own veg, milking a cow, fattening a pig, baking bread, cooking wonderful evening meals...) and moved north-east a bit to be nearer to me and my brother & sister. Its v. nice where they are now (Crowborough in Sussex, Nr. Tonbridge Wells) - but their place in Devon was very lovely. Better to have them nearer tho'.

  10. Yummy! Can we come over for din din!


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