
Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I was very excited to see a notice up at the gate of the park announcing that Pilates would be starting in my Village Hall. I used to go to Pilates every week for years after having Alfie and it was a great way of toning and strengthening muscles. I felt very fit and healthy and my posture was good. I believe it held me in good stead during my last pregnancy as I had no problems with my back at all. So I signed myself and Jasmine up for a 3 week course that started tonight. It was great. I am so happy to be doing some exercise again as I have done nothing since having Lizzy. I had to get in touch with my core and become aware of my pelvic floor, an area that has been neglected of late! We plan to walk there and back next week.

I am off to Exeter tomorrow to get my hair done. My roots need doing badly and the new grey growth is scaring me. Why do the grey ones grow so much faster and stick up in the air. Why oh why are they CURLY?!! I can't wait to visit the new Starbucks that we saw being refitted on our last visit, oh I know, I'm just a sad old country bumpkin but it's the small pleasures in life. Mostly I am looking forward to being away from here and the demands of an overgrown child who needs sooooo much attention. Have you ever tried giving a grown man with a broken leg a bath in a double ended slipper bath? It's not easy believe me. He enjoyed it rather more than I did!! I'm shattered. He has me making cups of tea all day long, elaborate lunches, things need to be fetched and carried and administered on a regular basis. I wasn't cut out to be a nurse.


  1. Yes darling but at least you'll be FIT

  2. can't he bathe himself? i remember when i broke my leg, i just stuck a plastic bag over the end of of my food and got on with it.

  3. Yes but Roxy darling you're a woman. There's flu and there's man flu, there's a broken leg and then there's man broken leg. You get me?

    Tats - exactament honey. I'll be as fit as a bloody fiddle!

  4. Dons, a tenant of mine broke his leg very badly indeed in several places - much worse than Paul's. His plaster went above his knee and his ankle was smashed to pulp. He is also registered blind.
    He cooked for himself, definitely made his own cups of tea and kept himself clean. You are being taken for a ride sweetie!!

  5. make him watch misery and rewind the hobbling scene.

  6. just read mum's post about her tenant. i remember (when i had my 'hot foot') and i had to get my own meal together. i was so proud that i'd managed to make some spaghetti. i proudly carried it over to the seat by the window, but stepped down too hard on my foot. i went flying, as did my spaghetti. i then had to crawl about on the floor, cleaning it up.

    that's when it really hit me what'd i'd gone and done and i sat there and bawled for about an hour. lol.

    oh memories.

  7. Oh poor RS! Yes I think quite right, get P to make the roast sunday toute-seul!

  8. Goodluck with the hair and I have the same sort of man at home too. He never does anything housework/cooking wise. I mean NEVER/EVER. I should have done something about his right at the beginning I guess, because now after 16 years it's just the status-quo.

    I love your bathroomn and would want to spend hours soaking in that tub. I really love to see the inside of people's houses, it gives you a really good idea about them ( or am I just nosey !)

  9. hi dons. I left a message last night but blogger hated me last night!

    Well, what I say is 'give the man a kick up the arse'. Andy broke his leg and pelvis last year and they wouldn't let him out of the hospital until he could prove he could use crutches and go upstairs and downstairs with them.....

    He insisted on doing nearly everything the same as if nothing had happened. Don't let him sit around...and if it hurts give him a painkiller)

    PS: Don't you have a shower he could use instead? Stand him in the garden and pour a bucket of water over him? (Put a plastic bag over the cast)

  10. Walking there and back - to the pelvic floor?

    As for your man - yes, what everyone else said!

  11. Yeah, wonderful bathroom. Can't you just make really foul tea and do everything that he asks really badly so he gets fed up and does it himself?

    Go on holiday maybe and come back in a few weeks?

  12. Yes Dons, I like it too... I am happy and it works like a dream :-)

  13. Pilates sounds good. I really need to start exercising too. I've been so lazy lately.

    Men are difficult to take care of. How's he doing, comfort-wise, other than just being awkward?

  14. Crumbs, it's his leg that's broken, not his bathing can be so wonderfully weedy about these things, bless them....(I now have bathroom envy to add to my pantry envy...but it's a nice envy...)

  15. I love your bathroom. Can I have it please?

    I think it's nice that you're giving baths. You are very patient and kind Dons.

    Three cheers for Dons.

  16. have you made him watch misery yet? :D

  17. Betty you always say such lovely things :-) I am having to be patience itself but I am a reluctant nurse. The whole thing makes me very cross!

    RS Awwww your 'hot foot' You are a naughty girl though, Misery indeed!

    Thanks for the nice comments on the bathroom. It is a gorgeous room now, we worked hard on it, it used to be 2 rooms, one very grotty bathroom and one long thin room with a toilet at the end. We still have a grotty bathroom at the other end of the house that is in desperate need of refurbishment. It will be a fab shower room eventually!

  18. AAAhhh, poor bloke, yeah its man-broken-leg, but hes only indulging in a few harmless man-fantasies. Do what he wants for a bit, (tot up some pay back time for yourself) then put into action the doing everything badly. I did the bad act years ago with ironing, with the kids and man, burnt and ruined lots of stuff, never ironed again...

  19. I for one can categoricaly? say that Dons bathroom is fact her entire house is GORGEOUS and in fact she too is GORGEOUS

  20. Ooooh Matron, what a saucy young man that Max is!

  21. Yeah Maxy you are a saucepot! Don't be giving my man any ideas now! ;-)

  22. hahaha that Max, how's the patient, being patient? I know I'm an old drunk now, I blame the husbands!!

  23. Oh yes, Robert Elm has a gaff in Spain doesn't he? See it can be done even by the staunchest Londoner!

    Hope Paul is more able now Dons? How's your patience? Wearing very thin yet? Two toddlers in the house eh?

    Why don't you feed Paul some bird food, see if he notices?

  24. Oh I love the look of that the way we wore! when i finish the time travellers wife it's a must...Nice chat yesterday girlfriend, i e-mailed Sarah and wait for her response.. Any sort of pub is good is suppose. I found someone in the biz to do my PR and she has contacts, oh la la, kisses

  25. Oh *sniff* I dooooo miss Robert Elms on London Live (or GLR as it was in my day). I felt the same way Trac, like I knew him. I did teach his wife yoga when she was pregnant with her 3rd child. She was a gorgeous tiny little thing who called him Bob! I'm looking forward to a time when I don't fall asleep as soon as I get into bed so I can read my book :-/

  26. Awww Sweetie, yes, you do miss your Robert Elms sessions, don't you? Can't you get him via the digital channels on the freeview set? Or the Sky? Or what about through your computer?

    I'm sure you already know that I have no idea what I'm talking about but I just thought that it was possible these days to access just about anything?



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