
Monday, June 19, 2006

Pretty in Pink

So here she is, my pretty prom princess and her gorgeous friends. The girls are her bestest and oldest friends Fran (in brown) and Sam (in cerise).

Their chaperones are (from left to right) Mike, Harry and Jack.

Jack is Jazz's new boyfriend.

Fran, Jazz and Sam.

Sam and Jazz.

Fran and Jazz.

Pretty pink dress.

The Limo.

Jazz and Alfie.

Jazz and Lizzy.


  1. she looks absolutely gorgeous! don't they look sophisticated? aaaah my baby niece is all grown up *sob*

    i remember my last school disco i went to. i wore a white rahrah skirt that was too short and showed my knickers (not a good look for my fat little legs), and a pair of gold ballet pumps. can't remember the top - probably that really ghey 'mini mouse' style shirt i owned.

    i see that jazz has also perfected the 'alfie grip' LOL! his face is a picture :)

    oh, and after all the cooing and ah-ing, the hubby thinks that i want to steal lizzy and bring her over here. he's not wrong.

    <--- proud auntie to three wonderful children.

  2. Yes, Wendz is right.Those girls are gorgeous (especially Jazz, of course!)

    What an occasion, so wonderful to be able to glam up like that properly. Jazz's boyfriend looks rather cool! (Bet he's in a band)
    At her age I was was sewing all my jeans so that they were drainpipes and wearing them to discos with the hand stitching showing!

  3. hahhaha RW, I was doing the same thing!
    Yes she's of my fav films pretty in pink! You must be so proud...

  4. Roxy - You would have been so proud of her, she looked divine. She thinks she looks awful though, isn't that sad?

    Wendz - They are a beautiful bunch of girls, not just lookswise either, they are nice people. I was very proud and shed a little tear as the limo swung out of the gate.

    RW - Yes me too and Jazz is wearing skinny jeans now! Jack is lovely and yes he is in a band and has a great voice. We love him in this house :-)

    ET - Yep the title was taken from that song. I used to love the Psychedelic Furs and saw them play several times back in the 80's *sigh*

    Tats - Not sure I have seen the film. Who was in it?

  5. Wow, she is gorgeous. They look so grown up. Amazing.

    Her boyfriend looks a bit like my Andre, all hair!

    I should take her to have her eyes tested though if she thinks she looks awful.

  6. that is VERY sad that she thinks she looks awful. the boys look absolutely thrilled with their dates! you can tell by the pride on their faces.

    she looks like a goddess in that dress.

    i tell you, if she ever visits here, i'm going to have to build a moat around the house! lol!!

  7. Oh I liked that film. She drove a beetle. Was Trac in it?

  8. That's right Kitty...

  9. No it passed me by too. I'm with Trac, if you remember the 80's you weren't really there, hehehe!

  10. Was it the psychedilic furs?

    Wonder what molly ringwald is doing right now? I always think that about people who were once famous and then have to sink back into obscurity. Rather like Trac herself!!!

  11. I think the word you are looking for to describe Trac is infamous ;-)

  12. I'm glad that someone else said that they nearly started to cry when they saw these pics. I'm flippin' well sobbing. She is so beautiful and heartstoppingly lovely. Goodness....someone bring me a tissue. I think these pictures capture the joy and wonder of being that age. The freedom and the fact that you have so much to look forward to and yet, you don't realise it. I wish I could go back to that time of my life.

    Oh, how lovely and glorious they are. This has made my evening.

  13. Oh how lovely, she is a real beauty! Stunning.

  14. I don't know what I will do now. Perhaps I'll star in a 2007 version of "Pretty in Pink": Kitty Ringworm stars in "Past it in Purple."

    I don't finish here till Christmas so I've got ages to work it all out. I'll find something. In the short term I will do ski instructing, they always need people at the ski club and it's fun. Pay is crap but who cares.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Hi Dons. It's weird isn't it. When you and Paul saw your house for the first time, you probably thought it's the perfect house (which it is, by the look of it). But from the sound of it, it's huge and probably costs a lot to run, keep clean, maintain etc. Which is a constant drain on resources, energy and time. So I understand why you are thinking of downsizing. I think one's house and environment is very important for a happy family life, but not the be all and end all. xx


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