
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another week has whizzed by in this busy household. Jasmine has now left school, completed her exams and had her prom. I have stopped breastfeeding and The Leg has had the plaster removed. The result of this is I now have a teenager at home in between school and college who hangs around the house spending much of the day in bed and most of her waking hours cooking up exotic dishes in the kitchen. I have a baby who spends all night in her cot (unlike her 6 year old brother who is still firmly wedged in the bed between Paul and I and has no intention of moving, ever) and who sleeps soundly through the night. My boobs are getting smaller and are less tender than they were thanks to a marvellous homeopathic remedy I used. The Leg, unplastered, has got worse! We spent a fun day at OceanFest last Saturday but his calf swelled up to the size of his thigh and was very painful. He is still unable to drive or do very much really, except lay on the sofa drinking beer and playing playstation games, and I now have to help him with his physiotherapy. This is the longest bloody healing process I have ever known. Still, we had a great time at OceanFest, the weather was perfect. Alfie had a go at climbing the climbing wall, skidding on a body board on a water slide and designed his own surfboard for an exhibition. We ate Mexican food and sat on the beach listening to Ska music. Oh and I bought not 1 but 2 cowboy hats for less than the price of a Monsoon one!

This week we have decided we really should sell the house. It is a beautiful house but is sooooo big with such large grounds that we need lots of help to maintain it. This is costly and on Thursday, when Paul and I looked around to see the cleaner, gardener and general handyman, we said to each other 'this is mad, we have staff'. I think it's time for us to have a smaller house with a bit less land to maintain. Although we cannot have a house with less than 5 bedrooms as there are too many of us now and I need a room for my fabric. We had a valuation which was astounding really and we realise that we have a gem of a house in a perfect location. We cannot move too far away as Alfie's school is perfect, Paul's business is in the village and Jasmine is about to start college in September. There is absolutely nothing around at the moment. Oh I hate this house selling malarkey.

*Oh bugger I have just asked Flower Girl if we should sell the house. She said 'definitely no' !(2 shakes of the head)*

I have booked a week's holiday for us in Port Isaac again this summer. I took the children last year and it was one of the best holidays I have ever had. The weather was perfect, Port Isaac is beautiful and as it isn't too far away, Paul can come and visit if he gets time in the busy holiday period. I have booked a gorgeous little cottage within walking distance of the harbour. Mum will join us for the beginning and hopefully my friend Lisa will join us with her daughter Holly, which will be great for Alfie as Jasmine is taking Jack, her boyfriend.

Today is the village fete and we will be visiting for the 'legendary cream teas', I can't wait. I will report back.


  1. Just catching up, sorry I've not visited lately...

    Lovely pics, happy happy pics.
    Sad sad about the house, poor you, must feel horrid.

    I hope the buzwabs are much better now.
    And that the cream teas were indeed legendary.

  2. Downsizing, eh!
    I am sure you'll miss the space to start off with but then you'll get used to your "little" cottage...
    Would love to "surf" on plastic! Never been able to do it on water...

  3. You always have such lovely pics Dons. I hope you had a lovely cream tea.

  4. You look fab, Dons - SO sexy!!!

    I think we are on the same something because I am also thinking of selling. For similar reasons and also because this is my house and I want Ruth to feel that it is OUR home and I don't think she will ever do that here. I haven't got staff mind you, or grounds, but the house is big and needs work doing. But it's not appealing, is it, the thought of all that upheaval?

    Great that Lizzie is weaned. Well done.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Oh crumbs, what a shame to have to sell your gorgeous house, and with that pantry too! Moving is such a pain.

    But fetes are good. Usually some bargains to be found on the book stall at ours.

  6. Yes I agree ask her again, and ask if you should have double cream teas for me too, I think you'll find she'll say "Yes".... don't sell.... don't go...have a lovely day my little cupcake :-)
    ps I'e just realised I have staff too!! hahahahaha

  7. IF you can afford staff, keep staff, is what I say. You have a WONDERFUL house - big enough for you all and your fabric. A lovely garden, and a sea view. As Lizzie gets older you'll have more time to do stuff to it...tend the garden etc. I think I agree with flower girl. BUT if your finances are a worry then downsize. I love the hats! Is that you standing on the sidelines when Alfie is surfing? Great legs!

    I've done nothing but eat and drink this weekend! Back to dieting tomorrow. sigh.

  8. i want to come and stay at the seaside!!

  9. Thanks for all your lovely comments.

    Cream - I'm sure that if we decide to sell or not things will work out ok. I am not going to anywhere that I am not happy with so the next place will have to be equally stunning just a little less maintenance required. We won't be moving to a 'little' cottage there's just too many of us and we all like our space, but we are spoilt here!

    Kitty - I definitely think this is big decision time for Ariens and if you are anything like me you hate change but adapt well when you have to, ie you make the best of things. Thanks for the compliment on how I looked. My bosoms were fit to burst that day!!

    ET - Get yourself a hat girlfriend, you know it makes sense. I agree with the Flower Girl btw and I am inclined to go with her decision although Paul scoffed when I told him. He asked FG 'does Donna smell?' and roared with laughter when she nodded twice (cow!). Sort of blew my theory out of the water really!

    RW - No sadly those are not my great legs on the sidelines although my legs aren't bad (could have slimmer thighs *sigh*)

    Roxy - baby I wish you could come and stay with us at Port Isaac too. You would love it there.

  10. Hello Dons,

    I have just caught up your blog. You just look like you have had such a wonderful summer so far and going to Port Isaac too - you lucky thing.

    I'll e-mail you an update when I get a chance. Things are good now apart from a spell in hospital!



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