
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hot Chicks and Cool Chicks

Well it sure is hot here! Tropical hot, sticky and humid. When I walked out of an air conditioned Marks and Spencer's today the hot air hit me like it does when you step off of a plane on your holidays. It's here to stay for a while so I am determined to enjoy it while I can and have already earmarked a few trips to the beach after school this week. The beach is a 10 minute drive (to Westward Ho!) or a 20 minute walk to our local and uninhabited beach so it is lovely to just be able to pop down for a picnic supper and late afternoon swim. Mum regularly gets the bus after work and has a few hours on the beach as there is a 15 minute bus service. I feel so lucky to live here. Devon is very beautiful. Jasmine and her friends camped in our garden last night. They walked to the beach and lit a bonfire before coming back to the bottom of the garden to sleep under the stars. I love it that my kids can do this safely. I am just so glad I moved here when we did so that she can do this sort of thing. She has swam in the sea so much this year. When we lived in London it was a huge trip to get to the beach followed by a long journey home often stuck in traffic jams.

Nature is a wonderful thing isn't it? Here in our garden we are surrounded by it, (well not just in the garden actually, sometimes nature happens in our house. Paul was serenaded on his own guitar by a tiny baby mouse who had crawled into the guitar and was strumming it as it tried to climb out). We have a little swallows nest just outside the back door. They have built their nest on top of our electricity meter in the back porch and have had 5 baby chicks who spend their time with their beaks open waiting for their parents to feed them delicious morsels. They are gorgeous and I spend ages watching them from a safe distance in my kitchen peering through the back door at mummy swallow returning time after time in her shiny dark blue silk cloak to feed her tiny babies. Everyone is entranced by this from the hardened, 'whatever', teenagers to little Lizzy who says 'ahhhh baba bur' whenever she sees them.

And then you have the chickens who think they own the place. Just look at this one strutting around without a care!

The roses are out around the door and are as gorgeous and sweet smelling as ever despite the fact that I did not prune them properly this year as I thought Paul might be dismantling them to paint the front porch.

I don't know what variety they are but the smell is to-die-for and they are a shabby chic pink, my favourite!

I went to a boot sale today and got some great treasures. Firstly Homepride Fred and a tin featuring him along with a vintage nutmeg tin. Perfect for the pantry.

Some vintage Sanderson 'Chatsworth' fabric, some lace and a soft toy pattern of a bunny rabbit.

Two vintage chair cushions for the garden, some old champagne glasses, an enamel casserole dish (in my favourite red), a vintage bread board and a Meakin bowl.

.........and finally, my favourite purchase, some button drawers, complete with loads of buttons (that I don't actually want as they are all too modern for me) so that I can sort my vintage buttons out properly. My buttons are currently stored in big glass sweetie jars which looks nice but is a nightmare when you are trying to find the right button for the right project. I love these and they go with the rest of my haberdashery shop fittings. A good days hunting.


  1. WOw Dons! I'm blown away by your life. I agree with you about the London bit. We had an Ipswich Music Day here yesterday - you know, 5 stages, free entry, local bands (apart from Dr Feelgood). Holly was allowed to wander round with her friends all day and I didn't worry about her! The joy of living in a small town. Oh and when it was all over it took us five minutes to get home!

    That button box looks SO brilliant, as does all your vintage stuff. I like the idea of collecting all your kitchen paraphenalia from boot fairs. Your kitchen/pantry must be fabulous.

    It's going to get hotter - 34 here by tomorrow they say! HOT HOT HOT!

  2. Love your blog!! Everything looks so pretty there at your place. I too have babies (well, just eggs now) birds. It's like the fourth set! Your roses are beautiful.

  3. How can anyone in their right mind get rid of those buttons and that wonderful little chesty thing. Utter folly. Well done you for finding it.

    I shall do a self-portrait later and stick it at Tat - not on my blog.

  4. OOH that swallows nest is incredible, all that miniature wattle and daub! As usual you are Queen of the Boot come I never find little drawers???

  5. It does all look wonderful! Although for once this weekend, in Arizona, it's much cooler, but still muggy. Your birdies look adorable!!


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