Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I've been very busy today. Here's a sneak preview, more to come when I have finished. Can you see what it is yet?
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Roxy Simmons said...

is it a little shoe? whatever it is, it's very cute!!

Gena said...

Its a dollys leg!

grumpy old woman said...

Oh wow! How exciting! Do show more .... please ....

y.Wendy.y said...

Are you making a Raggedy Ann doll? I had one - they are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Has to be a cute dolly :)

ramblingwoman said...

Well, if it isn't a Dolly's leg then Lizzie has very small feet!

Have you been felting? Did you know felt is the hot new interiors fabric? Yes, of course you did, you are so trendy!

BTW I bought the Boden slouchy bag in the sale! It hasn't come yet.

Identikit said...

Oh, that's so cute.

Not as cute as your baby though.

Trac said...

No, your baby is the cutest little thing ever! :O)

I tried on a hat similar to yours earlier and I looked 124!! PTB!

Gretel said...

I think they have to be dear little red shoes for Lizzy, ooh maybe not, might be a bit small, nope, I'll go with the rag-doll vote.

Sarah said...

Haaah une petit chasure roughe, I cant spell en anglaise let alone en Francaise, mais cest bein.
Ja attende pour le rest of it.

Trac said...

Well you'll have to tell us properly before Saturday, otherwise I'll never know! :O(

It's cute though!