
Monday, July 17, 2006

Life's a beach

It's so lovely living here, I know I have said it before but I shall have to say it again. I am lucky to live here and I really appreciate it. I am not boasting but nor do I wish to be complacent about my circumstances. It has been impossibly hot recently and after school today I picked Alfie up and took him to the beach, which is 2 miles away, for a nice cooling swim. Jasmine was already there with her friends having spent the day on the beach. The water was exquisitly warm and the breeze just the right side of cool. Lizzy loved paddling and then we all had a Hockings ice cream and went back for tea. It took us 10 minutes to get home!

We had a great week end. Paul took the day off on Saturday and so we took the little ones to one of our favourite beaches, a National Trust beach called Northcott Mouth in Poughill, a pretty village just south of Bude. There is nothing there except a couple of lifeguards and a small tea hut run by a couple of old ladies who make all their own cakes. It was such a hot day and I had trouble keeping The Pickle out of the sun. She is fair skinned, not olive like my other two, and needs to be kept away from direct sunlight. I have a great pop-up tent that is meant for such purposes as it has UV protection but she decided that she really doesn't like it this year, in fact she was terrified of it for some reason known only to herself! It was hard work keeping her shaded but I managed to coax her in using a bag of chocolate magic stars and a copy of Red magazine!

In the evening Paul and I managed to pop out for a meal. We have found a website that lists the 6 best places to eat in North Devon and using the Luke Rhinehart method are working our way steadily through. We were not disappointed. the food as beautiful and we sat outside until 11.30pm, in little tops, feeling warm, watching the sunset. The people next to us were very jealous when they found out that we actually live here and are not just on holiday. We're lucky!


  1. You most certainly are lucky Dons. Lizzie looks so beautifully podgy. AND her cossie! Where DID you get that!

    How nice to be ten mins from the beach and all those lovely eateries. Your life sounds absolutely wonderful.

  2. Love the concentration on their little faces!

  3. Oh what a Beautiful place! but even more beautiful are your babies!how content Lizzie looks playing in the sand,it must be a great place to bring up your children.

  4. Yes you are so lucky and you sound so delightfully happy. Baby is still beautiful and yes I love it when they are chubby bubbies like that. We used to sing to Asher:

    Chubba bubba bubba,
    your cheeks are made of blubber.

    He used to love it. Not sure he'd be so keen now!!
    Thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog.

  5. RW - She is deliciously chubby isn't she? Her little sun suit came from Gap no less! It looks really vintage. Her little polka dot bikini was a gift from my sister in USA.

    Gena - It is a lovely place to bring up little ones although it is a little frustrating for teenagers who want to go places but are still too young to drive!

    LC - Yes it's funny how those little chubby names/songs are not appreciated by teenagers! Mind you I was Donna Dumpling and I'm not sure I would want to called that anymore ;-)

  6. ah there you are, lovely little cossies, you're so good, mine do the sun in grotty knickers.... still you should see Titch swim..

  7. i was looking at clothes for lizzy only yesterday, but don't know what size i should be looking for. can you let me know? :) there are some very cute things out right now.

  8. Gorgeous Lizzie - glad you are having such a lovely time. This weather isn't so good, really, in London ...
    but nice in the garden in the evenings.

    Any more thoughts/plans about moving house?

  9. What a very becoming sunsuit! I think we went to that beach last tme we were down, does it have really good rockpools to the left? I could spend the whole day pottering about in rockpools...oh god I wish we were by the sea sometimes...

  10. The photos you post are always so lovely - your kids are a delight. I love the way that Lizzie is putting sand in that bucket. She is such a wonderful cutey. I want her.

    You are so lucky to live in a beautiful place...enjoy it! I'm jealous.

  11. What lovely photos!

    The baby does look scrumptious, you could just squidge those thighs. You do have a beautiful family.

    We are lucky to live so close to the beach. I don't think I could live away from the sea now.

  12. Lovely set of pictures.. I love the little ones outfit. Did you make that?


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