
Friday, July 21, 2006

Days of wine and roses

Today was another beautiful warm and sunny day. I spent it in the garden, harvesting lavender

with my delicious baby

and doing a photo shoot for a magazine.

In the evening I went out with my lovely friend Lisa to have a meal at the Boathouse Restaurant by the sea at Instow. I had a delicious meal of mozarella and goats cheese ravioli and a cappuccino which is why I am up blogging at this ungodly hour instead of being tucked up in my bed!!


  1. How idyllic does that sound? (And the baby pictures here, and on the beach are too cute!)

    What do you do with your harvested lavender? My current fav thing to do with mine is to make 'lavender sugar' which I use in shortbread. It's so hot this week though, I may have to try lavender sorbet...

  2. Mmmmmmm, what a lovely blog, Dons. I can almost feel myself there - wish I was!


  3. Oh Dons, you do have the perfect life! It always makes me feel very mellow when I read your blog - you should be available on prescription or something, much better than pills for stress-busting.

    I shall miss you too. Have a fab summer in Devon - I do envy you, being able to holiday without all traveling and packing.


  4. She is gorgeous - lavender sorbet sounds fabulous.
    Lavender is good in BBQ sauce too (really. just a little).

    Glad you are having such a lovely time. Le Chat is right (as usual, and funny as usual) - you should be available on prescription, you are very calming.

  5. Oh to be in make me feel quite homesick!

  6. You have the best life of anyone in the entire world....

  7. You have the best life of anyone in the entire world....

  8. Dons' is it possible for me to have the orignal format of that gorgeous cake photo for my website? I am starting a new section called Treats and It's perfect, pretty please???

  9. That was me donna, sorry...

  10. Great photos...Great time of year...Ahhhhh....

  11. Mmmmm!Lovely Lavender, Lovely baby, lovely photos- thanks for sharing them...

  12. What a wonderful day!! I'm jealous!!

  13. I am so glad we got assigned as swap partners, I enjoy your blog so much . That pic of the cupcakes on the table is blissful. So are you shooting for a magazine, or being shot by one?

    And dinner sounds lovely too.

    Watch the post next week!

  14. Lavender harvest, lavender baby and dear little cupcakes...oh Heaven on earth! :)

  15. Hallo from Oz,
    Gorgeous images.
    Ditto Blog.

  16. I long to be in Devon! your baby is truly delicious,and the photo shoot? were you doing it or taking part? my but you are multi talented Donna!

  17. I have been in love with using lavender in jams lately. It is soo yummy. Beautiful photo shoot! I need the details- who was it for and how were you involved ? :)

  18. TLC - Mmmm Lavender sugar sounds wonderful. I might just give it a try. I tend to just put mne in an airtight jar and use it for Xmas lavender hearts and things that I make throughout the year.

    Le Chat- me, mellow? must be the relaxing fumes of the lavender wafting over the internet!

    Mimi, Gena and Alicat - I was involved in both ways. I helped with the styling and shooting of a magazine article on English Afternoon Tea for 'Tonic' magazine. They were trying to feature various ceramics and linens although most of the props ended up being mine! It was great fun and they want to now do a shoot of my house and how to get 'Donna's Style' hahahaha! I'm not sure if I want to do it as my house is more shabby than chic ;-)

  19. That is so cool!! You have such a lovely style, I don't blame them at all for wanting to do a feature on you. How exciting!! :)

  20. Oh wow! your pics are wonderful Donna,I will watch out for you,country living next perhaps?

  21. I agree with Le Chat...your photos and your words are always so calming. Yes, let's have a new prescription drug called 'Dons' - it would be sold out in seconds. Have a lovely holiday.

  22. *taps foot* waiting for update! ;p


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