
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Country House

I have been making enquiries into my website, you remember the one, Country House Antique Textiles, to sell my vintage fabrics. I have been speaking to website designers, other website owners and the people at Business Link to get as much help as possible before taking the plunge. After talking to the website designers I thought it was about time I decided on a 'look'. I contacted an artist that I admire very much and asked her if she would like to paint a picture of my house to use as my logo and corporate image (gosh it's all so grown-up!). Well, she quickly got back to me with a beautiful watercolour of my house to frame and a logo for my website/business cards/ headed notepaper etc. I am absolutely thrilled with it as you can imagine. Just look at the lovely painting below

This is the same picture in logo format.
Isn't she brilliant? Can you guess who she is?


  1. D, that's gorgeous! i love both of them, but i really love the second one. it captures it brilliantly.

    is the painting done by lisa?

  2. Roxy - Good guess, but no, not Lisa ;-)

  3. Oooooh, Dons,they are absolutely beautiful, aren't they?

    I know who did them, so I am not able to join in the guessing.


  4. They are beautiful, they're by Sarah aren't they? which one are you using?

  5. Muddy Red Shoes - is that Sarah?
    They are gorgeous - perfect for your business, I'd have thought.

    Hope its going well, but not so well that you haven't time to enjoy the summer in beautiful green (?) Devon.


  6. Well done Tat and Lettuce they are of course by the very clever MRS. I shall be using the logo for my website whilst the watercolour is framed on the wall for me to gaze at.

    I'm having a great summer thank you Lettuce, hence the lack of blogging. All will be back to normal in a few weeks no doubt.

  7. I thought so - brilliant! Do you know, it makes your house look as if it should be in an Enid Blyton book for some reason...

  8. He he he.. good guess Tat, glad you like them Dons and all the best with your buisness. I like the Enid Blyton thing, have another baby Dons and get a dog then Ill put the kids in the picture bursting out of the gate dressed in grey shorts and nice vintage frocks!

  9. I can't wait to see the website!Your house looks beautiful can I come and stay?


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