
Monday, September 11, 2006

New Term

The holidays are over and we are getting back to some semblence of normality. As with all new school terms there are changes and some people move on and are no longer at your school. The same can be said for blogger as several bloggers have decided to hang up their blogging boots and move on to pastures new. Two of my favourites, Trac and Kitty, wrote some of the funniest, wittiest and sometimes moving blogs. I will miss them a lot and hope one day they will return so that I can get my daily fix of their brilliant writing. So long you gorgeous girls, I wish you well x


  1. Oh!
    I've been crying all day about other stuff and now you've done that! And to think I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me and Schumi hadn't retired!

    That's it! I'm not really sure what else to say at the moment! Well, other than thanks!

    Thanks! :O) xx

  2. Ooooh no, i'm not giving up on Trac just yet!

    I hope all your starts of terms etc. are going well - back to the grind, eh?

  3. Gosh you lot start school late! We're on week 3 already...

    Trac must stay...I can't say goodbye. Kitty must also pop in coz we ALL miss her.


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